As I get ready to write my first post for, I ask myself what I should write about.

I seem to be noticing a great many coincidences lately, so the nature of coincidence is on my mind.

I am writing this in June of 2020, and the world is experiencing a raging pandemic while the United States suffers from racial unrest.


I hoped I could find a new blog to write for where I could deviate from the blogging niche I established myself in on my own site and find a place where I could explore new topics. Then, I found


Self Growth is a place of positivity. I blog about blogging hacks. Would I be up to the challenge?

As I pondered, an article about positivity I wrote and forgot about five years ago received a comment ( As I saw the notification, I asked myself, “Coincidence?”

There are skeptics. Those who don’t believe in coincidence.

How can coincidence be proven after all? Do statistics and probability come into play?

In contrast to believers in coincidence, there are believers in karma. Which side of the spectrum is correct?

Does this article pose more questions than it answers? Yes. Coincidence can’t be proven.

Naysayers of coincidence feel there is no such thing as coincidence. Do you know any of them?

They believe in karma, a law of the universe that states what you put out comes back to you, good or bad.

My mother once told me I am a powerful person. I wished for a new blog to write on and here is Self Growth.

Coincidence or karma?

Perplexed and torn, I turned to Instagram. There are one billion people on Instagram. Instagramming makes polling the populace easy with Instagram Story polls.

When you see this information on Instagram Story polls,, you will learn Instagram polling is a reliable survey method.

I used two Instagram Stories. One asked if people believe in karma. The other asked if people believe in coincidence.

Before I reveal the results of the polling, let’s define our terms.

I asked Google the definition of karma. The definition:
“the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.”

In other words, your fate or destiny as caused by your actions.

I Googled the definition of coincidence: “a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.”

Did you note the difference? This time there is no cause.

Did you predict I’d answer the question I posed in my headline?

I can’t.

You have to ask yourself the answer to life’s happenings: Coincidence or karma?

Another question I have for you: How about coincidence and karma? Do they have to be mutually exclusive?

These are important questions: A believer in karma would feel their actions determine their outcomes. Therefore, a person who believes in karma would try to make themself a better person so as to improve their fate; whereas, a person who doesn’t believe in karma won’t believe there’s a cause and effect relationship between their actions and outcomes.

Before I leave you, let me give you the results of the polls:

Are you ready?

I asked if there is such a thing as karma and 50% of the respondents said yes and 50% of the respondents said no.

I also asked if there is such a thing as coincidence. Again, 50% of the respondents said yes and 50% of the respondents said no.

At the time of this writing, these are the real results of the polls.

Coincidence? You decide.

Author's Bio: 

Janice Wald is the founder of, She is an ebook author, blogger, blogging coach, blogging judge, freelance writer, and speaker. She was nominated as the 2019 Best Internet Marketer by the Infinity Blog Awards and in 2017 as the Most Informative Blogger by the London Bloggers Bash. She’s been featured on Small Business Trends, the Huffington Post, and Lifehack.