The Catalyst Method
“The Conscious Catalyst in me aligns with the Subconscious Catalyst in you and together we make things happen!” - Aline Hanle
The Catalyst method is a comprehensive problem-solving process designed to bring Peak Performance Solutions to life and business entrepreneurs. This innovative support system gives ways to combine the analytical and the intuitive thought processes leading to extraordinary experiences and resulting in long-term growth.
This alignment arises on a soul level bringing your individual purpose-driven experience into your life equation. The perception about your life is immediately enhanced; You quickly develop new ways of thinking that launches innovative ideas, keen mental activity, cerebral alertness, objective reasoning, intellective attention, open-minded discernment, and creative awareness.
Effective in all dimensions of your life, you can take advantage of the Catalyst Method to dissolve road-blocks about finances, relationships and projects as well as personal development and spiritual growth.
The Catalyst approach promotes partnership, team-work and collaboration and develops self-empowerment, self trust and self-love that are necessary to develop greater communication skills and leadership abilities.
The uniqueness of the Catalyst Technique lies in its unmatched resources. The I-GPS© and the Cosmic Compass© are two of these distinctive tools. They provide the Catalyst Customer with an unprecedented life-mapping reference that sparks an inner-metamorphosis, outlines the individual soul-driven blueprint and project a personalized road to success.
Personal development toolbox:
-Cosmic Compass™ – A consulting tool presented in a tarot-like game fashion to help people resolve specific questions and gain guidance.
-The Catalyst Method™ – A comprehensive process that aligns conscious and sub-conscious thought processes to spark personal transformation and achieve long-term results.
-Cosmic Compass Soiree™ - A privately facilitated Catalyst Method group session for 3-6 people that harnesses the collective power of all participants in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
-I-GPS™ - Life mapping tool to reveal an individual’s soul driven path for aligning to their purpose.
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