Choosing Your Crystal

When selecting a crystal, you can use your sensitivity to draw you to the perfect crystal for you and the work you wish to do. For example, if you are choosing a quartz crystal, you can look over the crystals, and sometimes, a particular crystal will really stand out – really seem different or particularly beautiful, or just draw you – that is the crystal for you. Another thing you can do is to open your left hand out flat – and using the many chakras that are running in your hands, hold your hands about 5 centimetres above the crystals and feel for the one that makes the strongest impression upon your hand.

Of course, sometimes crystals come to you as gifts or whilst out walking – these are wonderful signs that you are doing well and the Universe supports you. One final note – whenever you purchase or receive a crystal – you should always cleanse it prior to working with it – the crystal has been handled by many people, and put in many places, so clear away all negative energy prior to working with it.

Cleansing Your Crystal
Having crystals around you is a wonderful experience, they bring light and joy to any place. Because crystals are vibrational beings, just like us, they can take on the vibrations of the place that they are in or things that go on around them – also for some crystals, it is part of their job/purpose, to absorb the negative energy around them to clean up the area. For this reason, it is vitally important that you cleanse the crystals regularly to clear out the negative energy that they’ve absorbed. How regularly you clear the crystals depends on what they’ve been experiencing. For
example, if you live in a light, breezy, happy home, and you have crystals placed around your home, you may only need to clear the crystals once a month. However, if people have been arguing a lot, if there is tension or discomfort in the home, you may want to clear your crystals weekly or even more often than that.
If you use your crystals in crystal healing, you need to clear your crystals each time you use them – this is important because the crystals are carrying the gunk they’ve cleared from the person – and if you use them on the next person – that person can absorb and be affected by the gunk stored in the crystal. (So rather than healing the person, you could be making the situation worse). Also if you use your crystals in a place where a lot of healing occurs, that is another reason to clear your crystals very regularly.

Methods of Clearing

Rock salt – placing your crystals on a bed of rock salt overnight, is a very easy method of cleansing. Rock salt absorbs the impurities. Then you can flush the used rock salt down the toilet once you’ve completed the process.
Reiki/white light – by pouring visualised white light or Reiki energy into your crystal (see it, or use your breath and blow it into the crystal) – you will clear the crystal usually within a few minutes. When it is complete and the crystal is clear, you will feel a lightening of the air around you.
Water – You can place your crystals in water and the water cleanses away the impurities. It is important to note that there are many crystals that can’t be placed in water because it damages them or even dissolves them in the case of the selenites. So crystals that you can cleanse using water include the quartzes and agates.

Energising Crystals
As well as clearing them of all impurities, the crystals also need to be regularly energised. By far the most effective method of energising crystals is to leave them in nature for a day or two. Some need to be kept out of the sun as their colours can fade – so place them in a garden, under a bush – they love being buried in earth (as that is where they originated. I recommend energising them after every time you cleanse them.
If you are unable to get them outside, then place them on a window sill for several nights especially during the waxing moon (from new moon to full) - make sure you remove them during the day to avoid too much sun.
Another way to energise them is to use white light/Reiki with the intention of energising them (although they do love being in nature!).

Connecting With Your Crystal
To gain the greatest benefits from your crystal, you first need to connect with it – this is a beautiful, gentle experience that anyone can perform.
1.First cleanse and energise your crystal.
2.Make sure you are not going to be disturbed, take the phone off the hook, mask any external noise with soft music.
3.Cradling your crystal in your hand/s (depending on it’s size of course) – hold it to your heart.
4.Recognise this beautiful, divine being for what it is – a beautiful, powerful being that carries the vibration of love and healing. In doing so, feel the love that comes from within you, towards this Divine Soul.
5.Pour this love into the crystal, letting it know that you feel blessed to have it in your life and you look forward to the work you will be doing together.
6.At some point you will feel the mutual love flowing between you, when you feel ready, let your crystal know the work you are going to be doing together (if in fact you know what that work is).
7.Either way, thank the crystal and put it down (or place it where you wish to).
That concludes lesson 2, next week you will be learning how to program your crystals to carry focused energies.

Author's Bio: 

All of the material here is original, written by Daniella Breen, otherwise known as Shaman Goddess. To learn more about psychic training and healing work, go to