Before the heroes journey our laser sharp and strategic mind identifies and postulates experiences outside of us – intellectually, abstractly and compartmentalized.

Everything neatly in its place constricted, ridged and controlled by repetition and stale, lifeless air.

Synapse grooves deepen becoming more and more entrenched. We only care for others when payoff wafts.

Enter Grace; as miraculous intervention. With veiled eyes her gifts are discarded though; valueless.

Turning up the heat, Grace stands firm. A hint of ripening with the journey we begin; unawares.

Tests accelerate; tackle once used melts as we enter hot swampy depths; tar pits, shadow selves and skeletons abound.

Hell, this must be we decide. How will we survive? We can’t possibly deserve this wrath!

Applying what we know, failing again and again. We need to become firmer the past demands, constricting so tightly, then inevitable shattering into slivered shards.

Yet Grace is still there and smiles upon us with fresh gifts; courage and vision, new life.

Vulnerable, scared, hopeless yet brave; new unfamiliar tools are slowly hammered within.

Awkwardness increases in direct proportion to vast vision. Yesterday’s certainty is a dusty mirage.

Beginner’s mind congeals as we traverse this dark night. Unsteady and staggering we forge anew.

Today’s discomfort fights yesterday’s certainty; the battle rages until the death of one allows true emergence of the other.

Grace, like a firefly flickers in again with encouragement seen only with vision, clear.

Emerging from the swamp, demons vanquished, the dark wood now drizzled with dappled light; knowledge begins transmuting into understanding.

Wisdom integrates into cellular memory, the decay giving rise to the bloom.

Compassion springs forth and is born, no longer feigned.

It is now our very breath “standing under” the wisdom of interconnectedness.

This is compassion lived. ~

Copyright © 2010 (Stacy Kamala Waltman)

Author's Bio: 

Stacy Kamala Waltman brings a well-rounded blend of experience and personal development skills to her coaching practice. Bridging the spiritual world with the professional arena, Stacy Kamala draws from a rich and varied background to enhance her client’s personal, spiritual and professional life.

Earning a B.A. in journalism at San Diego State University along with a minor in business administration, Stacy has worked in a variety of business settings including group/team facilitation, public speaking, marketing, promotions, corporate communications, sales, web site design, and public relations. In small, medium, and large companies, she has learned what it takes to succeed.

Stacy also serves her community as a consultant and volunteer, most recently as a Facilitator on the Bend2030 project and as a commissioner on the Oregon Governor’s Commission on Women.

Stacy’s tangible-world experience is a counterpoint to a 25-year history as a student of Swami Satchidananda’s Integral Yoga, and a certified Svaroopa Yoga Instructor. From the postures of Hatha Yoga to the regulation of breathe control; the discipline of meditation to the ecstasy of chanting, Stacy has developed a deep appreciation for the peace, centering and focus to be found in the world of spiritual studies.

By combining these various disciplines with specific coaching training and advanced education at the Coaches Training Institute – accredited by the International Coaching Federation, Stacy provides an integrated approach to her coaching practice.

Stacy’s clients are those people striving for more in their lives; better communication skills, a healthy relationship with money and increased earning power while maintaining skillful life balance. Her vision is to guide her clients and teams to a life of fulfillment and success by linking their spiritual, material and practical needs.

“In addition to being a wonderful communicator, Stacy is also a gifted and powerful coach,” says Jim DeLaurentis, CFO, The Andrew Lauren, Inc.” She has dynamic energy and deep commitment.”

Whether you participate with her in a teleseminar format, organizational team or individual coaching program, you will co-develop your awareness of yourself – enhancing how you interact in the world. Stacy’s coaching style is not only brilliant, she allows the process to be rewarding and fun!

If you are committed to living a life of freedom from habitual thinking patterns and developing your awareness so that your life is rich and authentic, please send an email to Stacy:

Blessings ~