Verizon Wireless aired a commercial where a gentleman was walking about asking the caller on his cell phone “Can you hear me now?” It became a joke, when communication was disrupted or someone was not listening.

Listen……….. What do you hear?

The fan of the furnace, the chatter of your coworkers, the music playing in another room?

Listen deeper……..What do you hear now?

Hear that small whisper of a voice from the depth of your soul or spirit that tells you what you have been yearning for.

A craving for contentment, a need for peace, a drive to feel deeply connected and longing to feel confident, a desire to feel fulfilled and successful...

Washed with a feeling of harmony, the inner voice replies, “Yesssss, that is what I want.”

Then out of the blue, like a hawk swooping in on the kill, the conscious mind slaps you back to reality. “NO, I can’t have that. I don’t deserve it. I have too much to do. People count on me. A voice insists, “I am not good enough, skilled enough, or worthy enough” or any array of discouraging comments.

STOP IT ---- (scream this to yourself if you have to) you have control of these self sabotaging thoughts. You have the power to change them.

The truth is you can have contentment, peace, fulfillment, success, confidence and the feeling of being deeply connected. You may have some of this right now but ache for more.

Hush the demanding voice and listen deeper yet ……………. The voice quickly responds beyond the hurts, negative perceptions and guilt.

“Yes, I can have it all. I have the same possibilities as anyone else. I choose to become all that I am capable of.”

Repeat this to yourself three to four times a day. And listen to how the conversation changes in your mind and the small whisper becomes louder and more encouraging.

Vickie Griffith
Speaker (NSP), Certified Hypnotist, EFT Practitioner

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Author's Bio: 

Vickie is nationally respected as the Tap Instructor, assisting you to tap into the power within to realize your brilliance in your life, business and health. She is a speaker, Certified Hypnotist, EFT Expert. She creates a contagious energy as she speaks, coaches, and conducts workshops.