I want to talk about expectations. We live in a society that has been led to believe that if we group 'food' into some endless array of fashions and then we give that manner or pattern of eating a fancy name or better yet, name this way of eating after a person, place or a Doctor, we can then eat the '__________'Diet, just like the stars do, and the weight will simply disappear, never to return again.
For some folks out there, it's the new '___________'Diet that your friend, co-worker or sister may be on, or it may be a 'named' diet that has been around for many years. Whatever 'Diet' it may happen to be, the diet 'flavor of the month' has a strong appeal to many who are struggling with their weight.

Why am I writing this? I am writing this simply because I believe in delivering the most honest information possible, about how I believe 'sustained success' is achieved. I believe the path to sustained weight-loss and then weight management is a hard-fought challenge, that for those whom it is an important challenge, there is truly never an end, until that day we leave this planet or simply decide the challenge is no-longer worthwhile or meaningful in our lives.

I am writing this, not to discourage you in any way, but to explain to you, that the process of losing weight, getting fit and improving your health, may require more of a commitment, more perseverance and dedication than you may currently believe is required. I believe the commitment is worthwhile, in every sense of the word. I do not believe it is an easy path, nor do I believe every individual will follow that path.

Food is comprised only of 3 components, Fat, Carbohydrate and Protein. Group it as you will, and give it any name you want. To successfully utilize food to help you achieve lasting results, you need to understand these components and what they do for you, and to your body. The fittest of the fit, understand how to use food to manage their weight as well as how to use food as a tool to sculpt and shape their bodies.

It is your choice which path you will follow. My encouragement to you, is that you choose a path that gives you the most control over your ability to manage your weight for the long-run.

Whatever path you choose, I wish you well and I wish you long and lasting health and fitness.

Richard Kelley, M.D.

Author's Bio: 

Main Areas: Optimal Fitness and Physical Transformation
Career Focus: Physician, Author, Speaker, Fitness Authority, Transformation Coach
Affiliation: Owner/CEO Physician's Way Healthy Weight Loss

Dr. Kelley is co-founder of Physician's Way Healthy Weight Loss in Austin, Texas. A seasoned veteran of over 10 years in emergency medicine, he is trained in Family Practice and Certified by The American Board of Bariatric Medicine. His extensive patient contacts over close to 20 years in the medical field, prompted a change in his focus from ‘reactionary care,’ to one dedicated to prevention and the promotion of optimal health and fitness.

Dr. Kelley’s expertise is derived not only from his medical education and many years of training, but also from the fact that he lives the fitness-focused lifestyle which he encourages in his patients.

An author and speaker, as well, Dr. Kelley’s mission is to teach the strategies and mechanics of long-term lifestyle change (The Fitness Response) and to improve the lives of his patients and all who follow his teaching and philosophy.