Throughout the body there are seven energetic centers known as Chakras. The Chakra associated to our emotions and unconditional love is the fourth charka which is located in your chest. This Chakra is known as the Heart Charka and when it comes to matters of love, the Heart Chakra plays an important role in how we relate to people and how we attract love into our lives.

When it comes to the human body, the heart charka influences our ability to love unconditionally. When past trauma has affected our lives and we have been unable to process the feelings associated to old wounds, our Heart Charkas shut down. Energetically, loving ourselves and others can prove to be difficult.

Grief, sadness, fear, resentment and anger are processed within the fourth charka. When we fail to make peace with such feelings, our Heart Chakras become taxed and unable to support the energy needed to bring love into our lives. To simply put it, there is an emotional unavailability in inviting a loving and intimate relationship into one’s life.

The Heart Chakra energetically and psychically manifests in both body and spirit. The energy it produces is extremely powerful and can help you attain your deepest desires. If it is love that you are seeking, working with the heart Charka can produce powerful energy that not only helps you navigate through your most difficult challenges, it can also draw people towards you. Most importantly, the Heart Chakra can help in building self-confidence, courage, and faith.

Chakras are not unlike a muscle. They require daily work and need to be utilized in a focused manner. As you tend to your heart charka, you will be amazed at the changes that can occur within your own life. Not only will you begin to fully experience feelings of self-love, you may also experience a spiritual awakening. As you develop your own love for self, you suddenly will find your self available to love someone else. Concurrently, you will draw someone into your life that shares the same emotional availability.

Author's Bio: 

Carolyn Naiman is a professional Tarot reader and writer. For more on psychics and psychic intuition, click here to go to her website.