This article another article about the energetic patternings that can underly the chronic illness known as ME. As you may know if you have read any of my other articles, I am writing from my own experience of recovering from ME, and from the experience of my clients who come with this condition.

It often seems, and it was certainly the case for me, that people who become chronically ill with ME have a history of pushing themselves, always wanting to achieve the best, and often lacking balance in their lives.

This type of pattern of course often originates in childhood. Typically, the child hears messages from one or other parent about not being good enough as they are, and tries to achieve things that they think the critical parent may be pleased with them for. This can play out in our adult lives by going into careers or even marriages that may be more our parents' choice, or by internalising that voice of criticism, so that we are constantly carrying round our own internal critic in our heads.

What it also does energetically is cut us off from our heart and our heart's desires It is too painful as a child to feel the feelings of constant criticism, when what we yearn for is unconditional love, and so we become adept at not feeling the feelings, and in so doing build a wall around our hearts. Often we can appear quite serene (even to ourselves!) but this is masking the reality that we are not feeling our emotions, and in the end not living life to the full.

As I have talked about in previous atricles, not feeling emotions and keeping these blocks in place can be very draining, and can in time lead to ill health and chronic illness.

In order to heal this, there is a need for the person to relearn how it is to feel and to learn the language of emotions. Energy healing in general is very good for this, as receiving the energy in the body begins to "melt" the armouring and blocks around the heart and other chakras, which automatically leads to feeling more. Inner child healing is particularly useful. Going back to the time when these habits were initially set up can be very powerful. For it energetically gives the child the chance to express what they were not able to express then: typically anger at being criticised, often followed by deep upset and sadness at not being seen and loved for who they were.

Healing this type of wounding is literally life changing. Speaking from personal experience, I have found that releasing pain at the heart chakra (and I am sure there is more to come!) has meant that I have increased my energy levels, vitality and resilience hugely. I remember my mentor at the School of Energy Healing saying to me: "it's not really that you're mysteriously fatigued. You're actually locking up your life force energy by armouring your heart." Although that was hard to hear at the time, it turned out to be true. (Obviously, it wasn't the whole story, in that I also needed to work on building my physical stamina up again after a long time of inactivity, but it pointed out one of the root causes of my fatigue.)

By healing my heart, I have transformed my life beyond belief. I have a new found self-confidence, and self-esteem which means I am able to do what I want without worrying about what others (typically my teachers and others onto whom I projected authority) would think; I also feel things much more deeply than ever before: which means that there is more sadness in my life, but matched by levels of joy and happiness I would not have imagined to be possible. There is also a purity to the sadness - in that there is less resistance to it, as I know I have the strength and capacity to "bear" it.

Author's Bio: 

Fiona specialises in helping people overcome the debiltating chronic condition Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. You can read more about her work with people suffering from this condition at She has herself suffered from this illness, and has healed herself using a combination of energy healing, the Emotional Freedom technique, reiki, nutrition, chi kung, dance and graduated exercise.
She is an Integrated Energy Healer, an Advanced Emotional Freedom TechniquePractitioner, and a reiki practitioner. You can see more about her work at, where you can download her free ebook - healing your body the natural way.
She is based in Hebden Bridge, UK and sees clients in Hebden Bridge, Manchester and Leeds, as well as by phone and skype wherever you are.