The sacral chakra is located in the sex organ of the body. Often this energy center is in different places depending on the person. Men’s sacral chakra is often lower, residing in the testicles. While women will most often experience their sacral energy center higher in the uterus. The sacral chakra is the second in the main energy centers of the body. This chakra is depicted as being orange in color and is called the swadisthana in Sanskrit.

The sacral chakra is connected to sexuality, but there is more to it than just physical urges. Many of the emotions that are connected to relationships are also part of the sacral energy. Magnetism and how you related to others are all part of the sacral chakra functioning. Creativity is also a function of this energy center. The passion to maintain relationships, being creative, and connection to the greater world are part of the sacral chakra’s energy.

When the sacral chakra is out of balance there are several emotional issues that you might experience. Dysfunction or trauma with blame, guilt, money, power, and creativity can all be thrown out of balance when the sacral chakra is not functioning properly. This can manifest in several different physical imbalances or illnesses as well. People who have sexual dysfunction or problems with their liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, intestines, gallbladder, and stomach could all benefit from working on their sacral chakra.

There are many ways to work with the sacral chakra to get the energy flowing. Having a healthy and enjoyable sex life is just one of them. This can be done with or without a partner. It is important to work on feeling good about sex and frequently orgasm. If there is severe sexual trauma in your history, find a good therapist and get counseling. This can help you on an emotional level while you take other steps on an energetic and spiritual level.

Moving the energy in the sacral chakra is as simple as dancing. Moving the hips and pelvis will help move the energy around. Belly dancing is one great way to not only get exercise, but move around the sacral energy. Hooping is another new exercise form that is very popular and awesome for moving sacral energy

Another way to work with stuck sacral chakra energy is to align your energy centers with sacral positive energy. Wear orange colors, eat orange foods. Citrus fruits are great for getting energy to your sacral chakra. Other foods that will work this chakra are passion fruits, honey, and spices.

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Eva works as an expert for the best chakrahealing website - Visit the site to learn more about healing chakras and take the unique Chakra Test, designed by Carol Tuttle.