Have you seen this video on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJMOI5_FKwg? This so easily demonstrates that motivation to exercise does not come from merely thinking that you should exercise. When exercise is made into something which is fun, you automatically exercise without even realizing that you are doing it.

Here the video shows a crowded foyer where there is a choice of elevator or stairs and everyone shuns the stairs for the elevator. Overnight the stairs are transformed to look like a piano keyboard. The next day the majority of people choose the stairs, and not only do they walk up and down the steps, they pretend to play the piano as well, hopping from key to key with great agility; they are having fun and getting a lot of exercise as a byproduct of their interest being piqued and their sense of fun tantalized.

I have written many articles on the importance of doing something which is fun in order to exercise. Children exercise all of the time; they just will NOT sit still. Their natural curiosity makes them move, wriggle, hop, skip and jump. I remember spending an entire summer holiday almost exclusively at the local swimming baths attempting different feats with my friends; touching the bottom, picking things up off the bottom, swimming though a tunnel made by friends legs, and so on.

That wasn't planned as compulsory exercise, but boy, we got a lot of exercise. We weren't counting calories or checking our pedometers every five minutes. We were having fun! Just watch this video and see the fun that this crowd is having here on their piano keyboard. Although I have written about the fact that having fun motivates exercise, mere words are never as powerful a motivator as a visual image. Pictures are more motivating than words. This is another thing which I have written about.

It is why a hypnotherapist will get you to picture yourself as you want to be, or the results which you want to achieve. For example, in golf the key is to picture the perfect shot or the perfect putt. Merely saying to yourself "get the ball in the hole" does not have as powerful an effect as visualizing it going into the cup. In visualizing, you are employing the senses of sight and sound, and feel as well, where as in self talk you are using only sound and will power.

I have just used golf as an example here. The same principle applies to everything which you would like to achieve. To visualize the desired end result is far more powerful than merely thinking about it. See yourself at your perfect weight, imagine yourself making a great speech or passing your driving test, and so on. Really picture what you want to happen in your life.

Where there is a conflict between your will power and your imagination your imagination wins. It is more powerful. This is fact. It is just how it is; its how your mind works. Once you know how your mind works you can far more easily achieve success in every area of your life.

Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation. But it is not just relaxation; hypnosis provides easy access to your subconscious and creative mind, enabling you to more vividly see what you want to see and add greater intensity and power to your visualizations, effectively magnetizing what you want into your reality.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads for success and well being.

Author's Bio: 

With a degree in psychology and qualifications in hypnotherapy and NLP, Roseanna Leaton is one of the leading practitioners of self-improvement. You can get a free hypnosis mp3 from http://www.RoseannaLeaton.com and find your key to exercise motivation with our exercise motivation hypnosis mp3 .