I thought this week I would write about the power of cleansing, and my own experience of a juice cleanse from a few years ago, when I was in the midst of recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

I wasn't at all looking forward to my week long herbs and juice cleanse -hoping for good results but fearing the actual process! I had a belief that cleansing would be hard - and actually, that was my experience up until this time!

Every time I had done a juice fast, or even a more limited "detox" diet, I had experienced really strong symptoms of irritability, frustration, anger and sadness. I believe it was emotions that I hadn't been able to feel at the time, that I had "stuffed" down with food or pushed away in other ways, that were coming back to be felt.

Actually, I was quite ill at the time - in the middle of a recovery process from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - and my body was extremely toxic, so no wonder it was hard detoxing.

I want away for the week to a place where I could just be on my own to deal with whatever came up for me. The first couple of days were preparation - excluding caffeine, wheat and sugar from the diet, and eating progressively less to prepare for the juicing. Then, the main part of the cleanse was drinking herbal shakes, with freshly juiced apple juice. The herbal shakes were made up of psyillium husks, bentonite clay and ginger - designed to get old toxins out of the system.

At first, it was really strange having to drink the "shakes" at intervals five times in the day. I realised how used I am to my day being punctuated at set times by meals. After I got over the discomfort of my routine being changed, I actually quite enjoyed the freedom of breaking a long-engrained pattern, and it was the beginning of me of being able to be more flexible with meal times.

I didn't actually feel strong negative emotions during the cleansing time. The "weight" of the herbs meant for me that it was easier than either fasting, juicing or even eating more lightly. What I did find though was that it became progressively harder to drink the shakes... but I managed.

When the cleanse ended, I felt at first quite "spacy" but that soon settled down. After a few days I realised that it felt as though a "layer" of negativity had literally been taken out of my body! And I believe that the cleanse had released a lot of stuck emotions from the past which led to habitual negativity.

Working on the physical level in this way somehow helped the energetic changes I make through energy healing and the Emotional Freedom technique "stick" more. And in general this is what I find: energy healing and the Emotional Freedom technique are incredibly powerful, and when we supplement them with work on the physical level, we deepen the overall healing.

Author's Bio: 

Fiona Cutts is an energy healer who works both in person with clients in the Northwest of England, and by phone and skype with people from all over the world. As well as working with people with a wide range of emotional and physical conditions, Fiona specialises in working with people recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a condition she herself recovered from. You can read more about her general work here: http://www.fionacuttsenergyhealing.co.uk, and more about her work with people suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome here: http://www.treatmentforme.net/