Is your Psychic, Psychic?

Everyone has “Intuitive” abilities, we are born with natural instinct. It’s common sense. Think of those who trade on the open market. These talented people have some sense of a feeling to sell or buy. Yes, the watch the market and stocks but they still go on instinct. More common than not if you truly have a conversation with most people they will tell you ” I just felt it, or knew it”. How? Natural intuition, Mother’s instinct? Yes.

Psychics are not God. God is all knowing. When you choose a profession such as my own, you are honest enough to say such things that are truthful. So here are some tips to help you choose the right Psychic.
It is unfortunate that some who practice this field are not honest. No profession holds perfection.

1. A Psychic should ask minimal questions. However, please note that most will want to ask a something along the lines like; ” What area would you like to focus on”. No one wants to be in a maze.

2. A true Intuitive will NEVER tell you they are 100% and no one knows it all.

3. A good over all reading will give you some time frames. Not necessarily a perfect date but a generalized month or year.

4. A well rounded reading will be as specific as that individual can get. (Pick an Intuitive that you will be listed as focusing on your needs) i.e.: I can zone in on love, career changes, someones feelings, outcomes and those that have passed over. I cannot tell you who your spirit guides are. That is not my forte’.
Understand my jest?

5. Give room to understand that you are the one who can change a reading in a matter of 5 seconds.
I read for a woman who became a friend later on and when I met her she was not planning on moving nor did I see this in her reading. Low and behold she went and moved on a whim. She did everything opposite of what I suggested, saw and heard. It back fired for her. Was I right, yes. Was she, yes. Did she change it all, yup.

6. You may scratch your head at number 5 but honestly it is your fate in your hands. I have been told before NOT to do something and guess what, I did it and it did backfire.

7. An honest Intuitive will always guide you and give you plan A, B, C and what each will hold. Ask what you need too. Be open.

8. Trust your own instincts. Don’t be foolish and hit up every Psychic so you can confuse yourself. I have been there myself.

9. A reading is meant to guide, forewarn and assist you on the best path possible so you can make better choices. What you do with it is certainly your business.

10. Do some research. The Internet is good and bad BUT you can see what other people say about someone else. Some people get upset and leave negative remarks because it is not what they wanted to hear. Still, does this Intuitive qualify in any area that will meet your needs? Be a smart consumer.

11. A good Intuitive should always have great bed side manners just like a good Doctor. Kindness is a must.
No one needs to ever be harsh.

12. In the end YOU can change your reading. Remember that as I have done this too.
Certified, Licensed Intuitive Practitioner & Spirit Medium

Author's Bio: 

Michelle Caporale had her first experience communicating with spirits at the early age of eleven when her departed great grandmother appeared in her room to "talk." With a desire to learn more about her abilities, Michelle studied under Dr. Paul Daniele, Ph.D., D.D., P.C, the president of the College of Metaphysical Studies in Clearwater, Florida. She earned a degree as a Spirit Medium and another as an Intuitive Practitioner. Dr. Daniele is quoted as saying, "Michelle possesses an unwavering sense of confidence and determination that is shared by all who know her.

As a psychic reader, I consider her head and shoulders above most psychics that I have come in contact with and I would highly recommend and support her in any endeavor due to her work ethic, intelligence, psychic ability and above all her innate spirituality."

She is multi-gifted, which means as soon as Michelle connects with an individual, she immediately taps into the ability that is best suited in obtaining the most accurate information. Her gifts include Mediumship (Spirit Communicator), Clairaudience (Clear Hearing), Clairsentience (Clear Feeling), Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing), and Psychometry (Reading the energy attached to objects and photos). Her delivery exudes confidence, and her compassionate humor is her calling card. After delivering approximately 30,000 readings over the course of her career, she feels honored knowing that she is able to deliver messages that help heal and console her clients, and if they laugh or chuckle along the way, well, that is a bonus.

Michelle has also been honored to work on Cold Cases, assisting Police nationwide. She continues her work to this day.