I was preparing a fruit platter for the reiki class I was about to teach when I realized that every piece of fruit I had purchased was green: green apples, green grapes, green kiwi. In my former life, I was a professional party planner, so making this sort of faux pas was funny to me. I knew there was a hidden meaning behind the so called “mistake.” Green is the color of the heart chakra. I thought perhaps the theme of the class might just be about love. As the day progressed, I learned my hypothesis was correct.

Every reiki practitioner practices differently. I for one, move through a grounding meditation at the beginning of each class and while doing so, I tend to ask the class to go within and listen to their inner wisdom. Meanwhile, I pray and state the intention of the class in my mind. There are those that beautifully express their intentions to the Universe out loud. I normally am not one of those people. For this class, however, words were flying out of me, most specifically the use of the word Love. I assumed the Universe was just performing its magic and working through me and confirming to me that Love would play a prominent role in the day's class.

I followed the meditation by asking what the student’s intentions were. Guess what popped up? The aforementioned “L” word! Love for all beings even when we don’t feel like loving them was particularly requested. If only each person on the planet would make a similar request, we would be in a much happier state.

After the first reiki practice, the giver announced that he felt as though he knew the receiver intimately now and the recipient followed that comment with the fact that she felt like she was receiving ‘metaphysical sex.’ Of course we all giggled at that comment, but later I revealed that I myself had received ‘metaphysical sex’ from a practitioner once, as well. The truth is, one is not really getting sex during those moments or even foreplay for that matter. What one is feeling in that moment is the True Essence of our Being and that is Love on a Spiritual Plane.

I remember watching Sharon Stone on The Actor’s Studio sharing the story of how her dying friend actually took a preliminary trip to the afterlife for a moment and when he returned to his body he proclaimed that it was all about Love. That, of course, is what our True Nature’s are; in Essence, God-Source, whatever that Being is called for you and everything in the Universe is fundamentally expressed by Love. That's it. That is the key to understanding the fundamental basis of our True Being and the Universe at large. While we are incarnated on this planet we are simply trying to remember this fact as we move towards feeling even the fleeting glimpses of Love.

How do we stay in the place of Love? First of all we must remember that we are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. Our souls are not inside the shell we call a body; just the opposite, in fact. Our corporeal presence is inside our massive Spirit. When we recall this fact, we can then remember that all of the people we come in contact with, as well as every person on the planet, are here to help educate us in some way, thereby raising the vibration of our Being to new heights. In that way, we can then live in gratitude and Love even when someone is doing something we don’t particularly like.

To practice this feeling of Universal Love, try expressing this Love to the Universe at every turn. It doesn’t have to be aloud, the Universe hears all of our thoughts. Show the love of a tree, for example. Its powerful presence helps to shade us when we are hot. It keeps the flow of air moving to enable us to breathe. Not to mention it decorates our planet. Take note of the miracle of a single tree and more miracles will manifest themselves.

Feel the Love for all Beings. We are all part of the Universal Whole. When a drop of water is taken out of the ocean, it is merely a drop of water. When it is put back into the ocean, it is part of a vast powerful entity supporting life and engaged as a powerful force. That is what we all are. We are a part of the Universal Force. We simply have to remember it.

To read this and other articles such as this one, please visit www.lisatunney.com and click on the blog link.

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Tunney is a metaphysical writer, reiki master, spiritual life coach, as well as a shamanic practitioner. She just finished her first inspirational book and is working on her second. She has a B.A. from U.C. Berkeley and has completed her studies for an M.S. in Metaphysics from The American Institute of Holistic Theology. She is an American who is currently fulfilling a lifelong dream by living in France. She hopes to share her experiences to help others on their journeys to Enlightenment.