The world is a reflection of your own inner landscape. If you want to create a better world, rather than focusing on the problem "out there," begin by changing what is going on inside of you. This journey begins by accepting all aspects yourself. How much do you love and accept yourself? How does that effect how you treat others? Learn how to move beyond the illusion of separation and discover that you are Love. As you let love flow through you, the world mirrors back the love you give to others.

Take the Self-Love Inventory

Do you love your body? Do you feed it good food? Do you give it enough exercise? Do you touch it in pleasurable ways? Do you wear clothes that feel good against your skin? Do you appreciate your body for all it does for you?

Is your mind spacious? Have you noticed your mind is addicted to thinking? Are you able to witness your thoughts without taking them seriously? Do you meditate and notice the spaces between your thoughts? Is your mind at peace? Do repetitive negative thoughts fill your head? Do you offer kind and loving words to yourself each day?

Do your emotions to flow through you? When emotions arise do you accept and feel them fully? To you find healthy ways to express both positive and negative emotions? Do you deny, judge or put limitations on certain feelings? Have you noticed your emotions are fluid when they are allowed to be as they are?

Are you aware that you are not your ego, but Awareness in form? Do you practice self-inquiry? Do you meditate or pray regularly? Do you have a spiritual community that supports your spiritual life? Do you feel alone and separate much of the time? Do you recognize that you are one with Source and all separation is an illusion?

Notice when and how you limit love. Can you be more generous and loving to yourself? You can't give to another, what you are unable or unwilling to give to yourself. First, fill up your own cup, and then you will have plenty of love to give to others. Accept compliments. Be generous. Enjoy every moment.

By taking this self-love inventory regularly, you can begin to let go of unhealthy patterns and discover how to love yourself and others unconditionally. By giving and receiving love freely, we help create a more loving world. Share this practice with others. Become the Love you want to see in the world.

Author's Bio: 

Crystal Dawn Morris is an Intimacy, Sex and Consciousness Coach, workshop facilitator and trainer. She is the founder of Tantra for Awakening and is a Certified Sky Dancing Tantra Teacher. Her classes, workshops and private coaching sessions give people practical tools for creating an ecstatic life. She is known for her warmth, enthusiasm and ability to create a safe space where magic unfolds. She helps people create more presence, vitality, joy and passion in their lives and relationships.

Crystal Dawn draws on a diverse background of experience; as an RN, a Certified Nurse-Midwife, Reiki Master, and a Shamanic Practitioner. Crystal Dawn has over 20 years experience as a healer and a teacher. She also teaches a Tantra Teacher Training program. Crystal loves to travel and she is open to teaching and coaching opportunities world-wide. Please contact her if you are interested in a coaching session or would like to sponsor a workshop in your area. Crystal Dawn lives in Sedona, Arizona where she enjoys writing, yoga and living an ecstatic life.

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