If you are like most people you're familiar with finally resolving to make a positive change in your life. Perhaps start a new diet, get a new job, start working out etc. In the past you started with the best of intentions, determined that this time you would succeed.
If you were/are one of the fortunate few, you succeeded. However, most likely you were one of the over 95% of the people that studies show are unable to make a positive change through will power alone. That means that almost 95% of the population is destined to fail. In fact their is a lot of social pressure to fail, perhaps it has something to do with the saying "misery loves company".
The 95% to the population who are greatly challenged when it comes to making positive changes in their life, tends to look at the other 5% with a great deal of jealousy and disdain. Its often easier to be a lovable loser than a hated success.
The thing to keep in mind is that there is always a natural resistance to change even if it is a positive change. In fact the resistance is often likley to be greatest just before you make your break through and succeed.
So then, what if you were to try something different? What if you were to set an intention instead of making a resolution to make a positive change? You may be asking yourself "What's the difference?".
The difference is that the way most people make a resolution to make a change in their life is they pick something they believe would be nice if it happened, and then muster all the will power they can until the resistance of their subconscious mind becomes too much and they give up.
Proving once again that they really are all those negative things their conscious mind keeps telling them they are (which by the is absolutely NOT TRUE).
An intention on the other hand is very different. An intention begins with a clear positive image of the change you want to make. You visualize or imagine it as if it had already happened. Instead of straining to muster all your will power, you calmly focus on that image for a minute in the morning, and a minute before you go to bed.
During the day if you find yourself having negative thoughts that are contrary to your image, you simply recall your positive image and allow yourself to experience the positive feelings associated with that image until the negative feelings stop.
If you are consistent and always bring up your positive image every time you are aware of the negative thoughts, you will find that the negative thoughts come up less frequently and with less energy.
Don't worry that you may not know how you are going to accomplish your intention. Your only concern is to focus on that image in the morning and at night. The positive energy that is created from your image will begin to attract the people and opportunities you need to make your image become a reality in your life.
You simply need to be aware of the opportunities as they present themselves, and take action in spite of the inevitable fear that your conscious mind will be experiencing.
Why not give it a try. Pick an intention, and for the next thirty days commit to focusing on the positive image for one minute in the morning and one minute at night. I guarantee that if you do this at the end of thirty days you will be surprised with the results.
I'd love to receive your comments and feedback. Until next time take care and be well, and know that i am sending the powerful energy of Spirit to you for you and your dreams.
itchell Dahood M.A. is a Spiritual Hypnotherapist and Founder of The Champions heart, whose mission is to empower people around the world to free themselves from the limiting beliefs of their mind so that they can live fully from their hearts.
In addition to working one-on-one with clients, Mitchell spends a significant amount of time writing, speaking, and creating products to empower those he is unable to work with personally.
To find out more about Mitchell Dahood and to receive a free membership to his empowerment club, visit http://www.TheChampionsHeart.com
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