People are sometimes afraid of self improvement because it’s not familiar.
We sometimes are afraid of things we don’t understand and most people
have, at least, some anxiety about moving to a new place. It’s normal.
Imagine a change you had to make at some point in your life that you were really afraid of. You ended up adjusting to it, didn’t you?
That’s the way we are sometimes, making ourselves more upset over feeling uncomfortable than we need to: It really doesn’t last forever.
The unexpected can come unplanned as well and sometimes it throws us a curve, but positive affirmations can help us cope better. The first step in improving our psychological well being is to realize nothing lasts forever.
If we look at trails in our lives that way, it will make us less fearful.
Knowing that nothing lasts forever is a strong psychological truth.
Pain, for example, seems unendurable when we experience it but after it’s over, we may hardly think about it at all. That’s the way we need to approach all things in life, so as not to be excessively fearful.
Studies have shown that among women who give birth, the ones who are informed have a much easier labor. The one who have no knowledge have the most anticipatory anxiety and the hardest deliveries.
There are a lot of myths about life that, sometimes, people hold onto long after they should. Take for example the childhood dream of someday coming to the rainbows end. Unfortunately, some adults psychologically think that ,at some point in their lives, things will get straightened out and everything will be happy forever.
But is this the case? Of course not. Life is always full of challenges. There are many ups and downs. When we’re at a good point and think ”ah, this is it at last,” we are fooling ourselves because problems will ALWAYS come again. As an adult, today, do you truly realize that? Life is a series of ups and downs, even for the most successful among us. There is never one point in time where things will “level out.”
When we finally realize it’s normal to have problems, it doesn’t seem so bad.
We can prepare ourselves for a lot of them and learn skills to deal with the others. If we concede that life is going to be tough, we’ll waste less time dwelling on our problems and, instead, be ready to solve them.
There are many ideas about life being predetermined. Even people who believe in a benevolent God believe he has everything set in the direction it’s going to go. Were that true, we’d be helpless to change anything in our lives, wouldn’t we? What would be the use?
No, we have free will and we can choose to go one way or another. If we make mistakes, we learn from them, hopefully and get back out there and take another risk. Fear is actually more upsetting than the experiences themselves. As T. Roosevelt said “there’s nothing to fear but fear itself.”
Ultimately that’s the truth. Nothing uncommon to any human being on this earth is going to happen to you. Someone. somewhere can show you the way out. Go and see if there are books about these problems that might help. Think it out rather than be destroyed by your reaction to it.
If you find yourself afraid of going on to something new, afraid of risking something, learn the ways to accept and change them if you can. Concentrate on the overall outcome of the problem, rather than what you’re suffering now, at this moment.
This is called Psychological Preparedness. We prepare ourselves for events
that may arise all of the time. Before we go to the market, for example, we picture the aisles full of produce, cakes and candies and the frozen food sections, do we not? Why then, can we not envision our problems that way: Paint a picture of what might happen and come up with some solutions therefore, being prepared for them? Visualization is a great tool to over come anxiety. Positive images that show us conquering the problems we fear are big steps towards healthy psychological well being.
If there are things in your life at the moment that you’re afraid of, so afraid that you feel you can’t move on, take courage. Don’t let fear stop you from reaching the goals you want. There are solutions, if you search. You’ll overcome this particular point in time and move on to even bigger challenges.
MindMaster is a personal development program that can help you overcome your irrational fear through Subliminal Messages in text and images, and is used by professionals around the world. You can download and try the program Free by visiting
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