
Recital is a great means to understand, discover, heal, become, and create.
When playing the role of a particular character, you can understand the feelings, the emotions that he may have felt living his history.

There are several techniques and very intense and effective meditations in which the expressions of emotions and feelings are recited.
This recital can make people remember what has been removed and which still requires transformation, dissolution, healing and understanding.
It helps express what was stifled for many reasons.
It leads to finding out what is not recognized and understood while we were living situations.
Reciting the crying the unshed tears may go down melting the pain that is still in the depth of the heart.
Expressing anger liberating expressions can get out that allow then a not yet happened pardon, or not totally.
Therefore they create the possibility of a new relationship with the forgiven person, and a different attitude in other relationships.
The expression of anger leads to recognizing stifled feelings, repressed emotions, helps discover the potentialities and the strength we have.
Reciting the joy brings lightness to the heart, you can see and feel in a new way what you are experiencing.
Expressing Love can dissolve what prevented from giving it serenely, both with verbal expression and with the touch, caresses, tendernesses.
The intense laughters can help find the enthusiasm and strength again, both essential to continue the journey.

Let us try to mimic with the face and the body the opposites: strength and weakness, fear and courage, humility and arrogance, the fierceness and subjection, pride and shame, violence and respect , submission and freedom, and so on.
We will have the full understanding of how the attitude can affect our mood, can penalize or help our action, change what surrounds us, affect people who are next to us.
The recitals can create unimaginable alchemies and lead to unhoped healing.
They help become how you have chosen to be, to behave as you want.
To create all this it is essential to follow these tips:

- to dismiss the mind,
- to abandon all resistance or prejudice,
- to detach from the personality,
- to enter fully and unconditionally in the role,
- to play with intensity,
- to do not look at what you play, but 'become' what is played,
- to be careful there is no difference between oneself and the performed 'Thing': it is necessary to become a whole,
- to forget to be actors in order to dissolve in the performed situation.

If we live the recital with all our energy, with our whole Being, it is transformed into reality.
That is why the play can change everything in us and all around us.
It can bring healing in the heart and body.
It can turn away the mind, the personality, and make room for our Essence of Divine Sparks, and thus make the Soul free.
It can change our relationship with everyone and everything.

It is no coincidence the saying:

"Cry and you will cry alone,
laugh and the world will laugh with you"

"... Your way may be safer if for a while you get up on Our theatre to express, as in a play, the image and the role of the parts of your Essence you choose to express now.
You can choose to express your Essence of traveler who follows the path of her life, with the enthusiasm to learn new things, to discover new places, to meet other travelers, to live unimaginable experiences now.
You can choose to express the essence of the warrior of Light and Love, strong while tackling every situation and every event, loving in helping those in need, happy to defend the Light and to bring Love.
Do not ask if now you are or you are not a traveler, a warrior, do not ask if you become or if you were, but enter deeply in the recital and just bring your attention there.
Smiling, imagine being an actress who has chosen to recite on our theatre, an actress to whom we have given a role, the role of the traveler, of the warrior, whom we will give other parts to recite.
Close your eyes, reach out to Me and make your choice to recite these roles, certain to become these Essences reciting with Me, certain that you will get a lot of applause because you can recite well.
Then, imagine getting really on a stage and wear the clothes of that character.
Recite that part, only that part, expressing it fully, feeling it inside you.
And ask Me for help to recite well that part, and only that part.
Do not recite more roles together, but choose the role that now you want more to express. While reciting the chosen part, you can hear the voices of the other parts of your Essence who would like to express themselves at that time.
Smiling, say to those voices:
– On this stage now there is no place for you – .
And there play only that part, recite only that part, with all your strengths.
The most difficult task is not to impersonify or to recite, but to prevent all the other characters that are inside of you, from going on stage while you are expressing that role.
The parts of your Essence will wait for their time, but the parts of your personality will insist on going on stage, to express themselves intensely.
Prevent them from this requires continuous attention, the total commitment, awareness of the initial effort.
We are the directors in our theatre, and we will create situations that allow you to recite fully, continuously.
Be attentive to the expressions, to your image, the voice, the movement, because everything creates everything, because every expression creates inside and outside you.
What will change inside you, then will transform the outside.
What you will create as a scene, or you really will change around you, will transform something inside you.
Do not feign, but simply experience, learn, train.
The recitals made with us will never be fictions, but they will always be aids to express one’s Essence, to manifest all one’s Light, donate one’s treasures."


I am not sure if I am playing well the part that I have chosen...


"This uncertainty is natural, then smile at it and say:
- No actor can realize if he recites well or not, if he moves properly, if he has the right expression. For this there are directors that can observe, suggest, notice even the little things, and help repeat -
And to help you in this, you can ask someone to do this game with you.
Ask him to be the director, to be attentive to the expression, the movement, the voice, at the slightest thing while you are playing that part
Be certain he will be able to do it, if you, together before, ask Us to help you in this.
To facilitate even more, you can create the scene where the character moves, and wears a dress that sets it apart.
These aids are simple, but act intensely in the recital.
Ask whom is helping you to make you repeat when there is not the right expression. Reassure the Little Girl within you saying:
– No actor knows his part before learning it. With joy I will repeat several times until the right expression – .
Feel like a little girl who plays happily a beautiful game: the children can act naturally when they play.
Feel just like a little girl who is playing, and smiling bring away the mind and all other thoughts.
Always smiling, repeat often:
– I am reciting what I am already to be able to fully express it, anytime, anywhere, with anyone – .
This expression and this thought, will bring the joy that comes in discovering one’s beauty, one’s Light, one’s Essence.
This expression will extract from you all the strength necessary to continue the recital uninterruptedly.
I will give you the strength to feel no fatigue, the Light to illuminate fully the stage, to be able to be attentive to the smallest details that will make you the perfect actress, who will recite so well to become the recited character.
That is how then you will express your Essence without realizing it, at any time, any place."


But am I ready to recite every part of my Essence?


"Never doubt to be ready and not even to have the ability.
Doubts create and feed difficulties, make you feel not to be able.
If these thoughts come, remember that you are already what you choose to recite, and that for children feelings and the most beautiful emotions, expressions of joy, happiness, excitement are natural.
This is because you can recite the parts of your Essence, but also the feelings and emotions that you choose to express without interruption, or those in which you have difficulty to express.
There is no impediment, no trouble.
As we help you to live and to express, you are always ready and able.
Then with great certainty say:
– Now I am ready to express this, I have all the capabilities and the means, and there is no impediment, no trouble – .
Naturally, the effort is required, as for each workout, until the expression becomes natural.
If there is any doubt, reassure your heart saying:
– I am already what I am reciting, I have chosen to express the feelings and emotions I am reciting. Now I only have to train by reciting. This recital is a help to bring them to the sun, to manifest them in the Light – .
Be attentive to the little things of that expression, observe your face and body carefully, because everything creates, everything is connected.
This attention must be uninterrupted. On Our theatre it is not recited for a limited time, but until you become what is recited, one can express what one plays, uninterrupted, anytime, anywhere."


While I am playing the parts of my Essence and express intensely that feelings I want to express now, I feel fears...


"Smile at them because they are natural.
They rise from the mind which does not want to let go of the known, does not want to live what perceives you will live, and it does not know now.
They are related to the personality you are letting go of by reciting, to all what you have already chosen to change.
You are aware that the recital will create big changes in and around you, will lead you to new choices, to leaving the old to make room for the new: this can always give rise to concerns, create difficulties.
At such times recite even more intensely and say:
– Now I am releasing my heart. I choose to remove the space to the recitals created by my personality, in order to be able to express my luminous Essence, to live in joy, in Love, in freedom – ."


I have trouble reciting in front of someone...


"Think of the actors they do not hide from the crowd, but they propose themselves to it, otherwise they would not be actors ...
Do not be afraid to recite even before a crowd, if you recite with Us and with Our theatres, if you recite with the heart to be free, to express your luminous Essence.
Be aware that you often recite parts of the personality, and you do it with many people...
Although you feel in your heart that that recital is not good, which can create difficulties to you or to someone, you continue those recitals for the advantages.
The recitals of the parts of the personality, eventually remove the chance to live free and serene.
The recitals of one’s Essence, acted with us, lead to being joyful, luminous, to living in peace, singing and loving."


Can you help me not to give more space to my personality?


"With the joy to rediscover, live and express your Essence, get on our stage together with Me.
And before you actually wear, or imagine wearing the garment of that character, of that expression, lay down the garment of your personality, or that part of your personality.
Do not be afraid of having to leave forever the garment you have lain down, because this fear would prevent you from living peacefully the character you have chosen to recite, and to transform your image.
Imagine to climb on a stage with a script to recite and with the required garment for that recital.
Observe your body, your face, your hands, listening to the tone of the words, the sound of your voice.
Listen to what you feel in the heart and in the body reciting intensively and fully that part.
You will feel that you are recovering, you are recognizing who you are, you are feeling what you want to feel, you are living how you want to live.
Continue to dismiss the mind and reassure the heart, thinking that when the actors play they do not feign, but they create the character and donate it.
The actors enter the part of the script so much and so well, to forget themselves and their personality.
Now you understand, while you are reciting your Essence, how you will forget your personality and forget the garment you have laid down.
This is an easy way to grow, to become more and more luminous.
It is so simple that the mind makes forget about it all the time, and does not give it the importance it has.
The recital done with Us, expressed intensely, can create everything, can make discover the unimaginable, satisfies the heart, gives freedom.
The recital leads to letting go of what weighs down and creates difficulties, it allows to live in the joy and Love, to be proud of one’s luminous Essence."


Why does actually wearing the garment of the character you chose to recite help so much?


"Because the garment contains the Essence of the character.
Observing how people change when they wear a uniform, as they are different when they are dressed in a certain way or another can help you understand this.
With joy wear the garment of the part you want to express, touch it with love, observe it with pride.
Express enthusiasm thinking that it can remind you who you are, can bring your Essence out.
Then, with this garment play, sing, dance, happy as a little girl.
When you are done with this, stop and be silent, always wearing the garment.
Inside you ancient things will resurface, in your heart emotions old sensations will resurface, in your whole Being the space for your new image, for your new expression will be created.
You will feel how a garment will help you transcend your personality, how it will accompany easily to become the recited thing, to become yourself.
Therefore with joy, let down from the stage the garment of your personality and wear the garment of your Essence.
I am not telling you to go away from you, to leave your image or the garment that you are wearing now, but just to get on Our stage to play reciting.
Observe carefully the garment you wear to recite, observe their shape and colours: you will feel it has an Essence, because its Essence speaks in the heart, creates sensations in the body, raises emotions in the heart.
But when you live your daily life, think of everything you have heard and felt as you have worn that garment: you will feel everything emerging in you, because the essence of the garment remains even when you take it off.
This happens if you continue to recite it seamlessly at any location.
This can make big things happen, it can help you experience strong emotions, can make you feel the joys, unimaginable now.
Living one’s Essence, living life as joyful children, make live happy and free, leading to great achievements, makes know the wisdom of the Soul."


How can I do when there is no one that can be the film director for me?


"Silence will be the film director.
In the silence you can understand a lot, you can guess everything, you can hear the new language that you are asked to recite there, you can discover other parts, other things, that you can recite quickly to achieve what you desire.
In the silence you can reach the images of how the recital has to be really, what is the pure Essence of the recited character, images of how you recited can return to make feel and understand what you must repeat.
And that always calling Me beside you, so that I can instill in you all what is necessary for you to understand, and so that you can already hear My applauses."


Why should I play the chosen part continuously?


"Because it may happen that reciting you recognize your Essence, that what you play is what you really want to express, but if then again you wear the garments of the character you have always worn, and live with those garments, there is a risk that your personality and the world eclipse the garment of your Essence, also dim your luminous Essence.
This may undo all what the recital has created, it can avert you from achieving what you have chosen to conquer.
So, not only recite continuously, but also be watchful to express everything of the new garment and do not to express anything of the old garments that now you have chosen to lay down, understanding they do not really belong to you.
This will be easy if you fall in love with you, of your luminous Essence, of the role you have chosen to recite, of the garment you wear during the recital.
Then, fall in love intensely with what you recite, with the garment you use while you are reciting, fall in love with your whole self.
Falling in love with the Love makes Love become, falling in love with Light makes Light become, falling in love with one’s Essence you end up becoming yourself, falling in love with the recital, with what is recited, makes the recital recited.
When a heart is in love, it feels and sees first that source.
Everything else is surrounded by a veil, everything that surrounds it loses its importance, and its gaze keeps staring at what it is in love with.
A heart in love lets go of everything, it detaches itself from everything, just to live next to whom or what it is in love with.
It does not feel pain in leaving, but only the joy of joining.
It does not feel the fatigue when walking towards the source with which it is in love, but only the enthusiasm to arrive quickly.
Fall in love with your Essence and you will be in love with the recital, the garments you wear on stage, you will be happy to go on stage, to live continuously the recital.
The lover can quit everything to live his love, can quit everyone to reach his Love, to protect himself and protect his Love from everything and everyone.
That is how the lover expresses the joy of living, the strength in everything he does, creates the magic of Love, because Love makes everything a magic, a game."

"... While you live your daily life, care about your image, your expression: you will quickly exhale all your Essence.
Be attentive to every detail and the little things.
In all situations think of the part of your Essence that can live there and say:
– Here I am ... –
and name the part you want to express here. (A Traveler on his way to the Light, a Gift of Love, a Flower of the Divine, etc.)
You will see that by doing so, many things in and around you will change.
Feel while you are reciting that you are removing everything that covers your Essence, everything that does not smell its perfume. You are regaining what you have conquered in the Past Lives, to shine in all its beauty to make shine ancient treasures, to make your body, your heart, your Soul shine.
Remember that you do not have to be an actress for a day, for an hour, for a comedy, but you have to be an actress forever, uninterrupted, anywhere and with anyone.
Bring the attention then to the gaze, to the smile, to the words, to the sound of the words, the voice, the expression of the face and body, the vibration that you emanate at that time.
That is how the time will quickly arrive when you will recite nothing no longer because you will express spontaneously all your luminous Essence, and all the world will become your stage.
You will feel no difficulty in doing, but only the joy of Being."

"... At first, the recital may require an effort, but then everything becomes joy.
In the effort, think you are reciting to shine, to enjoy uninterrupted, to satisfy the heart, to set free the Soul, to reach your destination.
So you will discover that the recital does not ask you anything, but is giving everything.
Recite as a game, and play with intensity as children do.
Recite with the commitment and perseverance of those who are training to win.
Recite with the sacredness of those who feel the greatness of what they are conquering.
Recite with the responsibility of knowing that you are creating what you choose to live, to be, to express, and that all of this is up to you.
Never get down from the stage, even when you see that there are no spectators... We are always there and we will always applaud.
Do not allow any reason to deter you from reciting, to get you down from the stage.
Do not let anyone make you change the recital or interrupt you.
Be able to protect yourself and protect your recital and Our stage, from everything and everyone.
That is how you will express quickly what you choose, you will live as you wish, you will manifest who you are and your luminous Essence.
If something or someone could create you problems, get down from the stage, interrupt your play, jump on My lap, let Me hold you tight.
You will feel My heart ready to shelter you from everything and everyone, you will feel my Love surrounding you and protecting you."

"... Never forget that it is you who creates everything, with your thoughts, intentions, words, actions, expressions and vibration.
That is why the real, intense, continuous recital and reciting with oneself, creates what surrounds, creates alchemies in the heart and in the body.
If you are sad and you recite the smile, the sadness disappears.
If you are suffering and recite the joy, singing, dancing, expressing that you are happy, suffering will lose intensity, will also be able to melt. It will be easier to understand its meaning, and then feel really only the joy and gratitude towards what made you suffer.
If you feel weak and you recite the strength, the strength will really come out from inside you.
If you feel tired in doing something and recite the enthusiasm for that thing, the tiredness will vanish.
If you feel insecure and you recite the certainty, you will find confidence in yourself.
If you feel fearful and you express the courage, you will feel the determination really entering you.
If you feel a heart full of tears and recite the laughter, the heart will become lighter.
If you feel burdened by many responsibilities and recite the carefree little girl going running in the lawns, among the trees, you will feel that life is a game.
So you will remember that what you are experiencing is an opportunity for learning, growth, and can turn into a gift.
And that in all respects.
Observe how simply changing the expression of your face, or body posture, your feelings, your emotions change.
So you can be certain that the performances create and always will create, will transform everything.
That is why the recital can heal the heart, the body, setting free the Soul."

“... Remember not to think that you are reciting, but to feel you are becoming, you are conquering.
Believe in the power of the recitals, and recite with intensity, with enthusiasm, with yourself, feeling that you are reaching an important goal: the expression of your Essence.
Feel that you are conquering your beauty, your magnitude, your luminosity, the immensity of your Essence, the freedom of the Soul.
Feeling this, you will let go of everything without realizing what prevented the expression of your Essence, what created obstacles, difficulties, sufferings.
Reciting you will let go, effortlessly, of the personality that drove you off your Essence, the sources of joy and Love.
Reciting you will remove the room to your mind that creates limits and imprisons, you will give space to the heart which leads to freedom.
You will emanate happiness with the eyes, the body, you will express your luminosity with your whole Being, Love and with joy you will live."

“... With the recital you can express, live and use, all the 'Keys of Light', with you, with anyone, always and anywhere.”

"... Recite the little girl who plays fully, the little girl who plays the game of life who recites with everything.
The time will come when you will not play with life, but you will live life playing, you will live the magic of something that cannot be expressed in the word life.
When you recite to play or you really play, do it intensely, expressing life in the game: you will live intensely all, you will live your life as a game.
In reality, life is a beautiful game the Soul has chosen in order to learn, to grow, to evolve.
Recite the game, play the recital.
You will know unimaginable joys, you will live emotions and sensations not yet known, you will recall great gifts, you will live the journey of the Soul as a spell, and you will create and you will attract everything you will need."

"... In the recital care the image, the dress, the facial and body expression, the tone and the sound of words, the vibrations you emanate.
Get on Our stage with the joy of reciting, and recites with joy, intensity, commitment.
And then dance, sing, rejoice, celebrate the conquered and with the recital what you will conquer."

"... You can play not only the parts of your Essence, the feelings and the emotions you want to express, how you wish to live, but also every dream of yours, every desire and fantasy, even the unimaginable.
Remember the power of the recitals, and how the recitals will bring you to express the Power of Being, the Power of the Soul."

"... And smiling I approach you with musics, songs, dances, games, to help you become music, sound, song, dance, game.
I did not say to help you dance, sing, play and create music, but to help you become music, sound, song, dance, game.
The mind cannot comprehend that, but your heart can, your Soul already knows the meaning of this.
All this and much more can become believing in you, in Us, in the Light, reciting what you choose, desire, dream, reciting the unthinkable, the unimaginable."


Beloved Luminous Soul, these are the words of the Angels, these are my experiences.
If you choose to play the recital, you can discover new things, experiment unimaginable alchemies in and around you, open new doors, become great gifts.
Do not be afraid of losing your identity by reciting: whatever we do with the Angels it brings us to meet again and discover again, never to lose.
If you look around you will see many people recite all day ..., consciously or not ... but recite what others and the world wants.
This leads to getting lost and living imprisoned.
So we can choose to recite as we wish to be and to live, choose to recite our Essence to be able to express it anywhere, anytime, with anyone.
This leads us to living free, joyful and behave as Luminous Souls.
It allows us to receive and give Love and Light.
Recall gifts and creates magics.
As the intentions, thoughts and words, create or destroy, so does the recital.
You must then pay much attention to how we behave in the everyday life, to feel responsible for what with our intentions, thoughts, expressions, actions and vibration, we attract or turn away, we create or obstruct what we want to be, to live and to have.
So we can be always aware of whether we are doing recitals that imprison us, limit us, create suffering, destroy, recitals we do out of habit, for fear, for advantages.
This awareness allows us to choose to recite instead, what attracts gifts, brings joy, creates magic, sets you free.

Author: Satya

Extract from the book: Heal yourself and help heal

In addition to these books we have published 22 small-ebook:

Author's Bio: 

Satya is a holistic therapist and counselor who has operated for many years in Italy.
Moreover, Satya is Reiki Master and channeler for more than 22 years and made channeling and Reiki courses in a lot of parts of Italy.
Has accompanied most people in a Path of personal and spiritual growth.
For more than 20 years, is accompanying a group in a Path of growth.
From some years, has chosen to live a simple and retired life in African continent to continue the Journey of Life towards themselves and to prepare themselves for a New.
Satya has chosen the pseudonym so that each can feel her only as a Soul in Walk.
The messages donated by the Angels have changed her life and helped many people.
Furthermore, can accompany in a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.
For this Satya feels as her 'task' to divulge these messages.