
 The term resident disability insurance is particularly referred to individuals practicing medicine such as doctors or physicians in a hospital. They are salaried employees taking care of their patients in different medical branches of the hospital.

Why to buy resident disability insurance?

Problems faced by residents

Becoming a medical professional is very expensive. Till the time one becomes a professional lot of debt amount is to be paid off. So the stress of job and managing finances with increasing is always there and particularly pursuing specialty to become a surgeon is even more expensive process.

While performing your duties there is always fear of failure, error or serious mistake.

Working schedules are stretched which can disturb biological cycles in long run.

Difficulty in making balance between personal life and professional life fruit stop

Resident disability insurance as a solution

Protection against uncertainties: - Financial vulnerabilities can only be tackled by protecting your source of income. The resident disability insurance by INSTANT DISABILITY protects around 2/3rd of your income and in case if you go through any type of disability you will still receive major portion of your income on a monthly basis.

When you are young you will get the insurance policy in cheaper rates comparing to when applying in older age because with growing age chances of getting disability also increases.

Meaning -Younger you are cheaper is the policy and more is the in lesser amount of money.

It’s best advised to get a policy when you are young and have active source of income available to protect your income for a long period of time by enrolling into Resident Disability Insurance by INSTANT DISABILITY.

Apply for the policy when you are fit as it is cheaper as well as valuable. And at the same time in young age chances of getting a serious medical condition is very less. But, at the same time in older age chances of getting illness increases and if you already have a serious medical condition then getting insurance will become expensive.

Many residents have hobbies to follow like that of adventure sports which are risky in nature example-Skydiving, rock climbing, scuba diving etc. Although during residency you have less time and money to follow your hobbies but INSTANT DISABILITY will still provide insurance to you without any trouble if you haven't participated in such sports for around a year or so.

Like most of the other policies provided by INSTANT DISABILITY this policy of resident Disability Insurance is also portable in nature because it does matter at the end of the day like in any other disability insurance.

Being into a white collar profession an additionally the top of high skill it is very hard to substitute your job of this stature with any other job. But there is a solution to this straight away buys Residential Disability Insurance which will serve as a best substitute to your regular salaried job.

Monthly income of around 60 to 65% of your last drawn salary will be covered into this.

Better think of making sound financial plans for yourself and get a financial security by connecting with our family of- INSTANT DISABILITY.

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