Scared To Take Chances?

Being afraid to try and fail was part of the turmoil I faced before making a decision to regain my life and recover from the demons.
I get some great readings, and this one from Hazelden resonated!
If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
--Julia Soul

Do we avoid making new friends because we're scared they won't like us? Do we get embarrassed when we make a mistake and avoid trying again? When we get our feelings hurt, do we think we're bad, or that something is wrong with us?

Being scared or shy or hurt are all part of being alive. When we try to stay away from painful feelings, we keep ourselves from having many wonderful adventures. If we're afraid to meet new people, we may never have any close friends. If we stop trying when we're embarrassed, we may never learn a better way of doing things. And if we don't share our hurt feelings, we may never find out that everyone else has the same feelings we have.

What can I try again today that I failed at yesterday?

Today, my journey has put me in to a position where, after consideration and meditation, I take chances. A year and a half ago, one blew up in my face, but I learned a lot and did the best I could and paid the consequences!
Just short of a year ago, and at nearly 60, I took another chance and opened Hope & Serenity as an adjunct to my consulting business. I am giving this an honest and full time effort. It is in keeping with a long time dream and what I feel is my life calling.
I was certainly scared, and some of my “friends” still look at me funny when I say I do personal coaching, at times and to certain people it still feels uncomfortable.
That being said, I am working not only with people locally, but with people across North America and beyond. While not making money yet, I am being rewarded in ways that are beyond money!
Scared to take a chance? Natural. But how would you like life to end with your last thought being I wish I had of?

Author's Bio: 

Life Coach