One occasion that brings in most delight to all of the Muslims is a Pilgrimage Makkah, Which is the heart of Islam. Through Umrah and Hajj, Muslims are having belief that there is an enormous chance to attain Jannah. A majority of the public, mostly from underdeveloped countries, used to spend their whole lifetime putting cash aside, they look forward to that possibly one day they would be getting an opportunity to reach out there once in a life, the Hajj obligation.

The obligation of Hajj has been prescribed only once in a life span, for all of the Muslim male and females who got the physical strength and the financial means to reach to Makah to perform it. The ministry of Hajj announced presently that as of yet 3.2 million of Pilgrims have arrived in the Saudi Kingdom's air, land inlets and sea to do Umrah this season. The Government has a plan already in place to receive of about 06 million Umrah pilgrims the recent year, the previous year there were five million pilgrims who came in the last season. The Kingdom has host facilities and conveniences already in place to entertain the pilgrims. The Ministry of Hajj is watched carefully electronically the services that are being provided for the pilgrims.

Saudi Government Has sent out instructions to all concerned ministries that the people arriving for Umrah and Hajj need to be given the vaccine of viral diseases then days before their departure to the holy Land for Umrah. In the past, the cases were recorded in which few people were affected from the viral diseases. The two holy cities are the center of Hajj pilgrims and Umrah visitors and every year millions of visitors visit these places from all around the world.

The conditions in Saudi Arabia are different and the precautionary measures have to be taken in order to ensure the health and safety of the Public. Especially Umrah and Hajj visitors are found to be very sensitive to the prevailing conditions and could not resist against the diseases. The steps taken are fine to get better the conditions for the Umrah and Hajj visitors. Ministry of Health Saudi Arabia ensures that the concerned authorities and ministries could be informed prior to any issue takes place in the region. Earlier the UK government emphases on improving the conditions in the holy cities as their citizens were affected by the viral diseases during their visits for Hajj and Umrah.

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The other Hajj and Umrah Ministers all over the world need to cooperate with Saudi Government so the improvement can be taken place in the health and safety areas. It is difficult to manage the huge crowd visiting the Holy cities every year with umrah packages , and the different authorities have to play their part in the improvement of such conditions. Including the Officials of United Kingdom as well to make healthy its Islamic citizens and make sure that they are healthy before choosing the cheap umrah packages lonodn service from their reliable reosource.