Proper techniques of relaxation help us to relieve stress and provide a better quality of life. Relaxation techniques are simply stress management methods that help one to relax, decreasing the level of stress in the body. As humans we faced numerous challenges ahead in our everyday lives. Over time, this accumulated stress builds up in our body causing health related problems that are due to stress such as heart diseases, stroke and high blood pressure. Hence do not let the privilege of relaxation take a back seat in your life and miss out the health benefits that are associated with it.

Relaxation techniques include simple daily tasks like exercising, massage, getting sufficient sleep and a healthy relationship with your family and friends. Meditation is also a fast and simple way to combat stress as it relaxes the mind and clears off stress and negative thoughts.

Autogenic relaxation is one of the most common ways to relief stress. Making use of both our visual imaginary and body awareness, autogenic relaxation works by focusing on expelling negative thoughts out of the mind by controlled, slow breathing and imagine you are in a peaceful setting. Feel your heart and pulse rate slowing down and feel the difference of being in tension and relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation method actually works by relaxing muscle tensions slowly. Through this process one can actually feel the physical difference between muscle tension and full body relaxation. The next step is to start from the lower limbs, eg, the toes by tensing and relaxing them progressively, gradually repeating these steps upwards along your body to your neck, head. Tense up your muscles for full 5 seconds before relaxing them for 10 seconds. Repeat the steps for a few times as desired. This method not only helps one to relax but also to sleep well at night for energy restoration.

Visualization techniques are slightly similar to autogenic techniques, with the exception that this methodology is more in depth and comprises your tactile senses as well. One will need to form imaginary images of being in a calm setting, for example at the beach beside the ocean. For instance, smelling the salt of the sea water, touching the grains of sand and floating on the ocean. One will need to find a quiet and calming spot that is free from disturbance. It will be preferable to close your eyes and remove any tight clothing to maximize the effect.

Whilst other relaxation techniques include massage, practicing TAI CHI, hypnosis and yoga, it is more importance to have an overall awareness of muscle tension as well as physical relaxation. One has to spend a conscious effort to practice relaxation techniques regularly in order to prevent stress from getting out of control. Relaxations are skills and can have different effects on different people. So do not give up if one method does not work for you. You just have to keep on trying out all the methods until it works. This can be tedious but it's definitely beneficial in the long run.

Author's Bio: 

Jill Magso is a member of the Silva Team and contributes to spreading enlightened ideas and sharing teachings about meditation practices. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of powerful exercises that take you deep into Alpha and Theta levels of the mind so that you can work within your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.
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