St. Theresa of Lisieux wrote in “Story of a Soul”: “What matters in life, is not great deeds, but great love.” Her spiritual path was doing the ordinary with extraordinary love. “I know of one means only by which to attain to perfection: LOVE. Let us love, since our heart is made for nothing else.”
I was speaking to a mother who wanted help learning techniques to assist her not to project her fears onto her child. I asked her if she wanted to learn to be a healer and she replied “my role is behind the scenes. I just want to do my part to bring love and peace into the hearts of those I come into contact with.”
Yet this is being a Healer. You may not end up making your living at it; but we all have important roles as catalysts for transformation, and we do it one heart at a time.
This is exactly what one shamanic teacher, Little Grandmother, wrote:
“The answer lies with each and every one of us doing our part, with our own hearts, moving forward as individuals in our own abilities to grow our hearts larger and love and live with kindness and consciousness. The message is that we each are the Great I Am, we are the change, we are the strongest of the strong and whether or not you are a public speaker, or a stay-at-home mom doesn’t matter; what does matter is that in every moment of every day we are living from our hearts. That each one of us is responsible for the outcome of ourselves and our planet and the only way we can achieve something different from the world we are living in now is to live from love, to remember who you are as a powerful co-creator; You are all unique loving beings who can literally change the world around you through your ability to love and act in love.”
What is this Reiki Healing??
A great Indian guru Bhagawan Nityananda once said “the Heart is the hub of all sacred places, go there and roam.” Just as the spiritual cave of the heart is so much more than a physical space in the chest, Love is so much more than a pleasant emotion. There is a monumental increase in the vibratory field of Divine Love that is now available for everyone. You just need to consciously access or receive and nurture it.
I began to become aware of this about 20 years ago when I was hired to do Reiki for a Nityananda devotee who had congestive heart failure and was sent home to die. Every day I would sit by his bedside, feeling this amazing flow of energy that was helping to ease his fear, and provided physical comfort during his transition from the body. I would wonder “What is the true nature of Reiki healing energy? This flow that I am part of –that other people are drawing through me? What is it really?” The translation of Reiki, or “Universal Life Force” still felt quite conceptual to me.
The answer inside always came back immediately—“It is LOVE. ” Again it was profound yet the word “love” felt too vague to hang a whole healing system on.
It wasn’t until I was sharing Reiki with my first love, an old boyfriend that I really began to understand this concept of a “Higher Love” being the source of all healing, including Reiki. I hadn’t seen him in years, and he had never experienced Reiki. Towards the end of the session, he commented that he had “never felt touch like that before.” Mind you he was my first beau and so without getting graphic, he had certainly received all kinds of touch from me in the past. Fascinating comment. I asked him to be more specific (and tried not to take it too personally).
He explained that his experience of touch felt like it was always some kind of exchange, or trade for something. This Reiki touch was completely different, he went on, and it felt totally free. He struggled for words here. I said, “Oh, like Unconditional Love”—and he replied “that’s it—it is Unconditional!” Since that time many people expressed a similar experience with Reiki, feeling like they had a taste of Unconditional Love, perhaps for the first time ever.
So while it may sound a tad trite to declare “Love heals all” I believe energetically it is quite accurate. The difference is that the word and the common experience of what most people are calling romantic love often falls quite short of this experience of the unconditional or Higher Love that is the source of healing and so much more. Real Love is the essence of spiritual energy.
Reiki – Love on Tap
Aside from desperately wanting to learn how to alleviate physical and emotional suffering after my father’s death, I realized that Reiki brought me so much more. It gave me the actual experience of this higher, unconditional or divine Big Love that I was craving. And it happened every time. I often found myself crying tears of joy at how beautiful and radiant the person I was treating became during the session. I was “in love” with everyone. And the practice of Reiki was the easiest and most direct way for me to experience this expanded love on a consistent basis. Reiki is like having Love on tap!
Which is why in my very first Reiki Level I seminar (when I was the student) I immediately knew I would have to teach Reiki. I knew I had to share this with as many people as possible. It was the fastest, most direct hook-up or transmission of a level of Love I had only dreamed about. I wanted everyone to be empowered with this level of access to such an expanded space where healing and miracles are the norm. My path was crystal clear. Reiki opened the path of “Higher Love” for me in such a tangible way and I wanted to shout it from the rooftops: “Everyone can be a healer; everyone can be this Big Love!”
Energy Alchemist. Empathic Intuitive. Animal Mystic. Master Healer. EarthKeeper. Divine Wisdom channel. One internationally recognized spiritual mentor exclaimed “Kumari’s purpose is to Teach the Teachers Mastery; her Meditation Master described her extraordinary healing abilities as a “Golden Gift”.
In 1988 she met a spiritual master and instantly reclaimed the ability to channel healing and Higher Consciousness from multidimensional realms. Desiring to more fully embody the Consciousness she was accessing, she immersed herself in Eastern mystical practices of meditation, pranayama and devotional chanting, while combining contemporary spiritual and healing arts of Reiki, Grounded Ascension and Mastering Alchemy.
Kumari lives in a world where communicating directly with Spirit realms, animals and all of nature is the norm. Her deepest joy is empowering others to experience that all of Creation is Conscious. She teaches with a practicality and playfulness that is disarmingly potent, fully anchored in the knowing that anyone can awaken to this magical remembrance. Kumari holds a powerful energetic presence where distortions of who we are not vanish, healing and wholing shifts occur naturally, and the Mystery of Life unveils.
More recently she has been given “EarthKeeper” assignments to balance and heal planetary imbalances. Kumari is the chosen emissary to a group of Enlightened EarthKeepers who call themselves “The One”. The One inhabit the Mineral Kingdom and are the Gatekeepers for the Portal at the Center of the Earth, responsible for sustaining the New Earth energies and transmitting their initiatory gifts to bring Earth to Heaven.
Kumari is the co-author of the bestselling book “Empowering Transformations for Women“, a critically acclaimed CD “Connecting with All Life” and numerous articles on healing, manifesting and intuitive development. Internationally recognized intuitive healer and spiritual teacher, she facilitates teleseminars, playshops and retreats to reconnect with our natural healing, intuitive and manifesting abilities. Kumari’s planetary service projects include “Healing the Gulf: The Power of Intentions” with Dr. Emoto, world renowned water crystal researcher.
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