COVID 19 Can it get any worse

Can the COVID-19 Pandemic Get Worse?

Almost everywhere we go and everything we do has been altered by concerns about the Coronavirus.

It is downright shocking, upsetting, and frustrating. Many people are bored and feel trapped at home and are getting stir crazy.
How can we cope with the shock, the stress, the upset of these times?

1. Observe how you feel

I feel in shock that_____________.
I am upset that_____________.
I am frustrated that_______________.
I am worried that_______________.

2. Make a promise to yourself that you will keep

Here are some sample promises:

I will find productive and enjoyable ways to use this time.

I will live like this only temporarily.

I will find new sources of income, it may take a while but I will do it.

My family and I are still ok, and we will continue to be ok because we are healthy and we’re willing to protect ourselves right now.

3. Start re-designing your life

Think of those things you used to do that brought you joy and find a variation on those you can do now. Here are some examples:

Used to exercising? Use exercise websites, apps, or buy exercise equipment to work out at home.

Used to eating out? Explore restaurants in your area that offer take-out, there is a lot to pick from. If you need to make it a special night, set the table with a nice tablecloth, nice china, or a bottle of wine-anything to make it special.

Used to going to a social or spiritual group? Meet with those people regularly online through Zoom, Skype, or Facetime.

Used to being outdoors? Take a walk outside at a lovely place even if it isn’t a park or beach. Walk on the outskirts of that area.

4. Be productive

Take on those things you’ve been putting off like getting your house cleaned, organized, or getting your paperwork straight. Reach out to your extended family and old friends, start exercising, write in your journal, put on beautiful music, or watch a funny movie.

5. Identifying who you are without all your things and activities

This is a time to get in touch with who you are at a core level. Are you a good person? Do you positively impact the world? Are you playful, creative, thoughtful, kind, generous, bright, resilient? You might be surprised by how wonderful you are at a core level.

6. Try to stay positive

What helps you? Is it talking to someone, writing in your journal, putting on beautiful music, watching a funny movie? Is it writing a list of what you’re grateful for? It may be difficult to stay positive but if you let yourself slide downward it is a slippery slope and you won’t make the best of what could be and what opportunities could arise right now.

7. Let yourself live day to day

Rather than figuring out how you are going to live in the future, let yourself focus on today. What can you do today to make it a good day? How can you be productive? How can you bring enjoyment into your day?
You may feel like you’re a roller coaster, and that’s understandable given what’s going on in our world, but you can only cope one day at a time, figuring it out as you go.

To handle the shock of it all keep observing how you feel. Make a promise to yourself that you will keep, re-design your life, be productive, and use this time to get to know yourself more deeply. It’s important to stay positive and live day by day knowing you will figure out what’s the best moment by moment. You will get through this. This crisis will pass, trust in that.

Author's Bio: 

Fern Gorin
Owner/Founder Life Purpose Institute
Life Coach Certification & Career Coach Certification

Fern Gorin was one of the first to pioneer the Life Coach Training field, starting her company in 1984. Life coaches trained by Fern's company, have helped over 1 million people worldwide. Graduates of the Life Purpose Institute ICF accredited program, go through a life-changing process intended to not only teach practical ways to help people through life changes but to also transform lives.