Asking for help: why it is necessary and how to ask for it
The need for an external help often comes from the choice of the Soul to learn and experiment the humility of asking.
But not always the difficulty of asking is because of a lack of humility.
There may be a slight resistance due to the experienced sufferings, there may be fears for received refusals in this life or in the Past Lives.
Everyone must take one's steps, one's actions, but also know how to calmly ask for help when making, support when walking.
That is where the greatness of humility is.
You often feel a great joy in giving help, in healing with your own hands, but instead when you need help, cure, you may have difficulties to ask with the same joy and serenity.
Whereas there may be the same joy and the same fluidity, both in giving help, in asking, and in accepting.
This leads to remaining open, and to understand what may be behind a call for help, or behind a not call for help, behind the difficulty to receive it, or to give support and Love.
You can find out what creates anxiety to want to give at all costs, to help, to heal, regardless if there is or not the request, and you do not observe really if there is the desire to receive what you want to give.
Sometimes the person does not want to receive what is being proposed with insistence, but accepts it because she fears that her refusal might cause rankle.
Which is invading and not respecting the freedom of others and their times, creating additional difficulties.
That is why the help is an art, the call for help is an important experience for everyone, it is essential for those who want to help.
I have done a lot for my healing of the heart, but I can not complete it: do I need probably help from someone?
"You have already allowed much, and everything you have done has had a great outcome, beyond what you see now, and for this, be proud and joyful.
You can also continue by yourself, but the times will be different, and there may be the risk of not removing all that is necessary.
Imagine having an open wound: you can heal it by yourself, but think how hard it is to resist the pain that you will experience entering the wound to clean it from everything, and to put on the wound what is necessary.
There is therefore a risk the pain in doing that makes you close your eyes, and you do not go so deep in it.
That is why a surgeon can heal more and better the wounds of others...
And who has the wound, if he or she relies on the surgeon, feels less pain and it takes less to heal.
In the healing of the heart, the fears can be so big that they prevent to understand and see even the simplest things.
This is why we urge you to always ask Us for the help to be able to illuminate, understand and act.
When there are injuries, there are not Past Lives to transform, to heal, to close, it is easy to understand even the most difficult things.
While the wounds, the difficulties, fears, can tarnish the total understanding and prevent the complete view.
They can prevent from using fully and deeply the tools you have chosen to plow your land, the ways to achieve healing.
That is why the given help must be loving, intense, continuous, although those who receive it closes their eyes for the pain, or would like to escape.
The pressures to continue must always be very calm, so that everything is done calmly and with the enthusiasm to conquer what healing will allow."
Is there a special way to ask for help?
"Bring your hands to the heart, look at the Sky and ask Me, with simple words of the little girl, all that your heart, your body, at that time need, all that your soul needs to be free to fly.
And then go serene and joyful, confident that everything you need will come.
I will bring anything that can make your path fluid, and nothing is impossible to the Light.
If you choose to realize first of all the purpose of your Soul, at every request for help, for anything, in the end say:
– If this is good for my Soul – .
And while you ask other people are involved:
– If this is good for me and for these Souls – .
If you have done all you can, and your request is intense, it is accompanied by a total Creed, it has ended so, you will remain serene regardless if it happens or not what you asked.
You will have the ceratinty that if your request is not answered, it is because this would hinder your growth, impede the purpose of the Soul, or it will arrive later, at the right time for you."
"... And while we will collect together the golden ears ready for you, we will remove even what is among the ears, and that prevents the ears from growing completely, the flowers that are there among the ears to blossom fully, intensely to give their scent.
Do not think of this, but just look at the ears that you will hold in your hands, intoxicate your mind with the scent of flowers you will gather with Me.
While you scythes the wheat, I will take away what there should not be in the crop, what among the flowers can not remain.
Think of this, do this, whenever you discover that there is something to take away.
If one thinks about what is to be removed, if one tries to take away what it is not right, one can tear up the flowers and ears, too.
Instead if you are careful to pick up the ears and the flowers, if the gaze is there, if you are joyful in doing this, then We can clean up the wheat and free the flowers.
If you think about what you need to weed out, you can not catch what you need, you cannot taste what is sweet, beautiful, is there for you, you will not be able to rejoice for the wheat and flowers.
This awareness is needed to understand that all is in life, that everything can be hidden, even among the wheat and flowers.
But you always think that it is time to pick up, so you will not suffer from what is to be removed.
Remember that in reality, behind all that does not look good, there might be wheat fields full of golden ears.
And you still do not know the wheat of the Soul, so even the flowers of the Soul, which you can collect together with the wheat.
And when it is not reaped with Us, you sow at the same time, because your hands will be filled with grains and golden ears, of the kind the Sky will give you.
Who collects Our wheat, choose the only nourishment of the Soul.
Who choose Our flowers, choose to know about the flowers of the Soul.
Who choose Our Seeds of Light, he or she can only collect bundles of Ears of Light, Love and joy.
See how the pace can be sweet and the body erect in order to sow but to collect the wheat, or to prepare the ground for the seeds, you always have to bend and approach the ground.
This approach to the ground makes humble: this is why the ground is prepared with humility and you collect with humility.
If you remember you bent while plowing and collecting, when you sow you do it with the humility known in these moments."
"... You are allowing a part of yourself to crumble, a part of you to flow more: this is why you feel different emotions, sometimes even conflicting.
Do not try to understand them, but only listen to what they are telling you, what is happening inside you.
If you want to understand, recall the mind. And it will rebuild what is crumbling, it will create storms to obstruct what it wants to flow now in you.
What is to be understood, you will understand with the heart, at the right time.
In the morning you can say to your soul, to your heart, to Me:
– I choose to recognize all that I can change, what is good for my Soul to transform, to illuminate for my heart.
I choose to do all that is necessary, even to fight.
Help me understand everything with the heart, when it is good for me – .
So you will give Me, your Soul, the possibility to create situations and meetings so that all this is done, and without having to face the risk of stopping to understand with the mind.
If you feel that your mind wants to talk to you, stop and be silent.
Smiling, listens to what it wants to tell you, observe inside and outside you: just standing there, silent.
The mind will stop talking to you, and here with the heart you will understand what it is necessary at that moment you understand.
You will experience great joy in seeing what is crumbling, what is flowing, feeling that you are the creator of all this."
The expression of the heart
"... There is a part of you that needs healing, there is a part which requires the expression of what is in the heart.
Both have to join in order to allow the dissolution of all.
And this always happens with the Light and with Our help.
The expression requires a big commitment, a deep humility, sometimes a lot of fatigue, and personal action.
Healing with the Light requires abandonment, confidence, and trust.
Asking always leads to a growth in humility.
The expression of the heart requires to open completely the door of the heart.
All this allows then to remain open.
It is like to remove the key from a door to prevent it can close again.
The expression of the heart leads to an even deeper humility: to accept oneself and accept everything, even what one will never want to contact, especially when the wounds of the past and Past Lives are touched.
The value of the expression of the heart lies in being a great means of growing in humility, in openness, acceptance, abandonment, in relying.
This is why it allows great healings.
You can treat a wound with all the ointments and the best substances, but if you do not remove first the dust particles that it contains inside, sometimes invisible, that wound will never heal.
Instead, if you have the courage to open it, to clean it in depth, also making it bleed again, then it will close forever.
To understand the importance of the expression observe a bucket full of water: if it were empty and you want to fill it with clear water, just pour it into it.
But if it is already full of not clear water, if it contains sand and if you do not want to empty it before, you have to pour much more water to let all the sand flow out.
However there may be a risk that a few grains of sand remain, and therefore that water does not become completely pure.
The mind never wants to open the doors of the heart, or empty 'buckets'.
The heart often fears this, but it always pushes the Soul to do so, to lead to freedom, joy, peace, to allow healings.
That is why it is sometimes necessary to go beyond what the heart feels, and, with courage and determination, make the choice to follow first the Soul."
"... The expression of the heart prepares the ground so that the most beautiful flowers can sprout.
When you start to break a clod, often only after you have broken it, you realize that next to it there are other clods to be removed.
And many clods created in the past of this journey, may have originated in the Past Lives.
For this the Soul chooses to recreate them on this journey, in order to go beyond, to close or overcome Past Lives that in other lives it had not been closed or overcome.
A challenge can occur many times, in many lives, until it is overcome.
So, with serenity, break the clod you have in your hands, knowing that it is the expression and the consequence of something happened or done.
It does not matter if it belongs to the past of this life or other lives.
That is why it is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to understand everything, give explanation for everything.
What is needed is to surrender and say:
– I choose to heal what I remember, I choose to transform what I will be able to recognize, and I allow this to happen, even what has roots in the Past Lives – .
Then, ask Me for help doing everything.
And be sure that with your choice, with this permission, with the request for help, everything will happen.
Of course if the necessary actions and steps follow this choice.
And all in lightness, knowing that I will finish what you start, even what you do not understand or do not remember, or it is good that you do not remember."
Sharing, giving, receiving
"... And remembering that the fear of suffering still, sometimes obscures the total view of the cause of a disharmony, choose gladly to share your sensations, emotions, understandings and awarenesses that have come to you.
You can write them first: this can help to shed light on them, to melt much of what needs to be dissolved, and they will confirm your feeling, your guess.
When you share them, give room to your inner Little Girl: she will do it with the simplicity and lightness that the expression requires, without fearing any judgment.
Do this with whom you feel that can listen to you with love.
When you will say:
– I feel this, I experience this... –
you will be in the present, and you will not be able to be in the past or in the future.
So you will lose what is at that moment, you will illuminate what is not clear at that time.
This will allow to dissolve and illuminate the past and the Past Lives that might be behind.
If you bring your attention to the past or the future for fear, you will not act in the present.
Action can only be in the present, the understanding leading to the healing.
And the expression continues in the present, opens the heart to Love, recalls Love.
Remember to take only the little girl in each of your expression, because children can look only at the present and then point at the Sky."
"... To share do not seek who has healed, who is wise, who has a lot of knowledge, but look for a simple heart that can listen to you with Love, without judging anything.
While sharing think you are giving, because everything that you express can be a gift of Love, a means of understanding, awareness, for that heart that is listening to you.
Asking for help, you give the other the possibility to be a means of Light to bring you what you need at that moment.
Recalling this, the expression, the sharing, can be smooth, serene and simple.
And you will feel all the meetings, as meetings of Souls helping each other.
It is only the mind that complicates things, it is only the 'ego' preventing the simplicity of the children to open the heart, to ask, to give."
Inebriating the mind
"... With Love I bring into your heart spring flowers, flowers with colours and strong scents.
Rejoice looking at the colours, intoxicate with the smells that bring joy to the heart, so the mind falls asleep slowly.
And with the sleeping mind, abandoning yourself will be easier.
The abandonment will make you grow faster, walk safer on your luminous Path.
With a heart full of fragrant flowers, with the sleeping mind, it will be easy to hear the call of your Soul, understand its language: so you will attain your goal peacefully.
When the heart is injured, or it is weighed down by what it contains of not love and not light, your sense can be overshadowed, because it is affected by those wounds, those burdens.
But this can never create those great difficulties that an alert mind creates, because it speaks so loudly that it stifles the voice of the heart and the Soul.
That is why, to achieve the healings of the heart, of the Past Lives, to have the real understanding of the disharmonies of the body, it is essential to numb the mind.
And you can do it by smelling the intense fragrance of a flower you like and asking it:
– Inebriate, make my mind sleep – .
Playing this game can help you in the choice to numb the mind. And say to Me:
– Help me smell the scents of flowers that You give me, so that they can intoxicate me – .
Then, continue your way happily, with the certainty that so it is easier to walk and grow, it is easier to go quickly to your destination."
What can I do with these thoughts that I would not like to have any more?
"Give them room.
Express with those who you feel can listen to you with Love, what is in your heart.
Then, stop, sit down, and in the silence observe your thoughts going and going by again.
Give them room, without judging: they will come out from your mind slowly and they will go away from you.
With both these things you can 'cleanse' also what you brought from Past lives.
That is why you must not judge the thoughts: you do not know where they came from.
Maybe in other lives you acted for the Light, you made only action of Light, but in other lives again, maybe your actions were not always as such.
They are often the ones which then push even more to seek the Light again, to act in the Light and for the Light.
So, do not judge either the past or the Past Lives, feel only the joy of cleansing, transforming, of the dissolution, that you are doing.
Perhaps, you started doing this in Past Lives, and now you have the chance to complete it.
That is why you cannot understand anything of other hearts, how much force is required to do so, and how great is their difficulty.
The only thing that matters is to permit the Soul to live what it has chosen to live, to close, to heal, to transform, to cleanse.
So, do not judge and do not fear your thoughts or the parts that need to be illuminated.
Observe everything in silence, express everything with those who can understand you: only in this way your thoughts will go away, they will not belong to you anymore, and will be transformed into the Light."
I cannot in any way ease the tension I feel in my head as I constantly think, can you give me some help?
"As always, I will give this to you with Love.
But it is essential that you listen to your heart and give room to it.
Do not think to cast thoughts out, to keep the mind away, but to enlarge the heart, to increase the listening to the heart, to feel and sense what is in there.
When you feel these tensions, these thoughts, breathe deeply, leads the gaze to the heart, stop to listen to it, and ask:
– Help me get into my heart – .
Then, imagine yourself as little girl entering a big heart, and you hear there its beats.
Gradually, you will feel the language of the heart, then the language of the Soul: in those moments there will be no room for the mind, nor space for your thoughts.
As you see, even here your steps and actions, your choice are required, and to ask Me for help.
This will allow Me to do everything with you, and finish what you start.
Be always humble when accepting advice, whatever its source, because, whether you feel it right or not for you, it will help you clarify about yourself.
Being humble leads to the real greatness.
Always be alert and ready to learn from situations, from the happening facts, from all what you live.
Be ready to grow up listening to the hearts that have had similar experiences to yours, listening to the simplest hearts you meet, because everything and everyone can be the teachers for you.
This requires you to bring the attention to the present you are living, to what you are doing at that moment, and to observe everything consciously.
This attention to your gestures, to your feelings, emotions, awareness, inevitably divert the attention from the past, from the future, from the mind.
And there will not be room for other thoughts.
So all tensions will melt away.
The absence of the mind, of the thoughts of the past or the future, and the heart wide open, allow great healings, the total healings."
Why does this part of my past keep returning to my mind?
"When this happens so intensely, it can be of help to do immediately what is necessary at that time, or a push to act with someone.
It is very often also the challenge of those who choose to bring healing to the past, to the Past Lives, to look away from the past and from the future, to live in the present.
When a memory emerges for a scent, for a music, for an image, for a recalling word, smile and let that memory flow with serenity.
When a past returns, it can be an opportunity to increase the wisdom that the past has written in one’s heart: this is the wisdom of what has been lived.
It may happen that the past returns because one fears the upcoming New, and becoming new ones you chose: it is like looking for a foothold or a safety in the known.
That is why you must be very careful not to let your mind enter when this happens, but only make your heart talk and nothing more.
The heart will make understand if there is an open wound or not completely closed, will make guess everything necessary.
When this happens, call Me and say:
– I'm ready to take immediately and without any fear the necessary steps and actions, help me understand them – .
And then let everything flow calmly, confident that, with My help, everything will happen.
Be just careful that these are not needs you try to choke, that make the thoughts of the past resurface, which are nothing but the needs of the present. "
Every night nightmares of a trauma of the past assail me...
"You have chosen in this journey a body that noone fully knows, a body which is joined to the invisible.
The past marks on this invisible lines you cannot always erase.
Pains, sufferings, deep wounds, create marks on this invisible that you can not always remove completely.
It happens that, because of something that goes unnoticed, you return there, on the lines, on the written ones.
Do not be afraid this requires special healings.
Just be aware of what can happen.
Continue your growth in any way you feel and sense what is necessary.
Then, like a child, ask Me for help: you know that I take you in my lap, I caress you every time you ask Me, every time you close your eyes.
So, feeling you on My lap, ask Me to bring My hands on your heart, My Light above these lines, above these marks, My white mantle over you, and then fall asleep calm, imagining me so, feeling everything, and not thinking about anything.
You can do this even in the morning, to transmit more your Essence and My Essence into the daily life, into the world.
And imagine Me smiling, because for Me it is sweet to watch over you day and night."
How can I overcome panic attacks?
"In those moments stop, breathe deeply, call Me and ask Me to help.
Feel me beside you, with the certainty that together we can overcome everything.
With this certainty be silent and bring attention to the breath, to the heart.
You will feel that I wrap you with My Love, you will feel that there is nothing to fear beside Me, you will feel that with the breath the light comes into your heart and into your body, and your Soul joins with the Sky, with the Light.
In the silence you will appease and appeasing everything will pass.
The silence will always allow you to appease, to regenerate, restore you, strengthen you, and allow Me to infuse in you all what is necessary at that moment."
Letting go of what is inside
Luminous Soul, to understand more easily how the healing requires to let go of what is inside us, you can think of these images.
An open wound, inevitably contains soil, sand or other materials: if you do not remove all this, ointments or any medicine are useless, and if you try to close it, what is left inside creates infection and worsens the wound.
Imagine an empty pot: you can put in it anything you want only if it is empty.
Think of a door behind which there are unimaginable beauties if you do not open it, you cannot see anything, or enjoy what these beauties can offer you.
So, even our beauties, our treasures can emerge only if we open the door of the heart.
And what could bring healing, joy and all what we desire, cannot enter if we do not open this door.
"... Jump on My lap let Me hug you, imagine Me with a smile and feel that I am giving it to you, let My love get deep in your heart.
Feeling so beloved, it will be easier to throw open your heart and let the suffering and all that is weighing down get out.
Do not ever think of having to give up anything, but simply to transform, to heal, to allow the Love and joy to enter you, along with all what is necessary to your heart, to your body.
Share your fears, needs, pains, and express the loneliness you are feeling.
Open yourself and share your tears, too.
Greatness lies in being able to share.
A child with the same spontaneity and simplicity, gives you a smile or cries in your arms, and then resumes to smile.
You, too, with the same simplicity, give your smile and share your tears, give your joy and share your sadness, give your Love and ask for Love.
All ‘Hearts’ know how to smile, cry, rejoice, live moments of sadness or joy, live all the feelings, but not all hearts choose to manifest this.
Many hearts are afraid of this, other hearts protect themselves holding everything back or manifesting only what is considered beautiful, good and that gives joy.
If you think that all comes from the heart, you will not hide anything more, and you will see how it will be easier to share, how much Love and help will come to you.
Hug and let them hug you, give joy and ask for comfort, understand everyone and everything.
This equilibrium will bring you to express the strength that is in you and the Strength of the Soul, will bring you to the true greatness."
"... Imagine a lawn covered with white snow, where the eye can only see this white coat, but there is life underneath, there is movement.
Who observes from afar, sees nothing, and everything seems stationary. But under the snow there is turmoil, and gradually the seeds are formed, the shoots go beyond the snow, the flowers open in the sun.
And with the sun other creatures come out that feel the call of spring with its warmth.
This is a clear expression of your Being.
If you choose to continue your growth, you cannot keep your blanket white and intact, because you cannot stop what is pushing to get out, what has long been prepared to exit.
All movement that could not be seen before but was there, was felt by you, even if you did not understand it.
This movement is now pushing your beautiful flowers and everything ready to get out, to cross the white blanket.
And there is nothing that can hold back this coming out, unless your growth is stopped and your soul is prevented from being free.
If you feel that inside you there is a volcano that is about to explode, do not fear it: think you are allowing these beautiful flowers and fragrance to blossom, you are allowing your treasures to shine in the sun.
Remember that the real difficulty is in deterring and preventing, never to let flow or allow everything to emerge.
Do not look at anything that is going out, unless this has been illuminated, it can appear to you colourless, not luminous.
If you let the sun shine on it, you can see the beautiful colours."
I was not diagnosed with any illness, but I have a great malaise in the whole body and heart.
"You are feeling the pressures of what wants to emerge from your depth, is emerging, has to emerge.
I brought this clarity to you other times, but you fear to let go of all that is in this depth, because you know that above it there is the experience of this life, there are the thoughts you do not communicate to anyone, there are the feelings you keep hidden, and you forget that underneath all this thin layer of the past there are the Past Lives.
You are thinking that these things can bring you sufferings, and that you will have difficulties in letting everything emerge, but it will not.
Once again, I can confirm that a source is within you, and you use only little water...
Note how you fear the silence because you know that the contact with your Soul allows to listen to what your heart is telling you, you fear to bring clarity within you, to get known the great strength that is in you.
A free flower in the lawn grows very quickly, it can spread its perfume, giving its colours.
But when it is covered with dry leaves or ground, it is hard for it to get out...
Peacefully remove the earth and let bloom not a flower, but all the beautiful flowers you contain in the heart. "
I ask you to help me understand what brings me to feel great anger, and to have a continuous nervousness that I can not choke.
"You have chosen to grow, evolve, and your Soul prevents you from choking.
Do not stifle anything, feel all as part of a garment you are ready to let go of in the river.
If you still choose to grow with integrity, you will discover the source and roots of what brings you to express what you would not want to.
So you can heal, transform, or remove what is necessary.
And the source will remain in you that is already there, but the water will be different, that water will quench the thirst of your Soul and of many other Souls.
You can say:
– I am aware of all that is happening in me, now I am going to discover the roots and I choose to dissolve or remove what is necessary.
I am going to discover my source to turn everything into fresh water that quench the thirst of my Soul and other Souls – .
Remember that not all treasures are inside the chests, many are hidden in the ground, and often the chests are still hidden in the ground.
That is why when one removes the earth covering these treasures, hiding the treasures, there must be certainty and the joy of finding one’s treasures again.
Always when you have the courage to clean up what it does not seem a treasure at all, to remove the earth that covers it, one allows beautiful treasures to shine in the sun.
Fear not your earth, do not be afraid to pick it up, or that someone will see it, because that person can help you remove it.
Only you think that it is not good earth.
That is why only you can choose to show it, to look at it, to remove it, to get help to remove it.
But a further step is necessary: you must love it.
And you will be able to do it remembering that beneath it there are your most beautiful treasures.
Remember that We will take you in our lap with all clothes, not always new, not always clean; we love you uninterrupted, even when you turn away from us or do not want to play with Us...
Thinking of this say:
– With Love I take my Little Girl in my lap and every part of me –.
And be happy to do this. Be happy when, if you want it, and you ask for it, someone will take your Little Girl and every part of you, even your earth in his or her arm.
One day you will know how much joy brings to help other hearts to do this, and understand that the ones who have the earth judge it the worst
Do not stifle again these feelings, or your expressions.
Remember that behind them there is always suffering, a pain that has been stifled, a void, a lack, a frustration.
But when everything is accepted and there is the joy of discovering, everything turns into water that quenches the thirst, into illuminating Light.
And you have so much water to give, so much Light to spread.
Be ready for the new, and you will fear neither to discover the roots, nor to go to the source of these feelings, this expression of yours, and of others."
I fear all this turmoil I feel inside me.
"It is the rustling of the wind: do not fear it but love it.
You fear this is the beginning of a tempest, a storm.
Sure, the wind turns the leaves, makes discover what there is beneath them, but also brings the scents more intense, can bring the spring and bring the clouds far to let the sun shine.
And when it turns intensely the leaves and lift them up, it is to allow the seeds that are in the ground, to germinate and blossom more quickly.
You are dreading this discovering, this turning over of the dry leaves, because you forget that beneath there are always the shoots the Soul has chosen to let blossom or blossom again.
Observe the Nature again: the farmer removes the leaves and dead branches from the fields with Love, to allow the grass to sprout free and fast.
It is the same for you, for everyone.
Sometimes the farmer, in doing so, discovers rocks that he had not seen before, that the rains made emerge, but the leaves hid then again.
He does not think of hurting the earth by removing the stones, but to embellish it and make it more fertile.
Do so and think, too.
You are making your ground very fertile, you are allowing every shoots to sprout.
And when you hear the rustle of the wind, love it as a means, a help, a friend.
And with it you will be able to smell the sweet scents, and restore yourself with new breezes, that will simply help you while you are going.
When you remove leaves and dead branches with your hands, rejoice thinking that your hands then will gather the flowers that will grow from it.
Keep the gaze on your heart to donate water to these shoots they need and the most loving treatment.
And be ready to welcome the shoots of the Past Lives, the sprouts of new seeds that We always carry in the fertile soils.
Remember that I will always be beside you when removing the dead branches and leaves, but also while rejoicing together when you will get inebriated with the scent of the beautiful flowers that will grow in your ground."
But will I heal this physical ailment?
"Definitely yes, if you do not stifle anything more, if you do not suffocate anything more, if you do all that is necessary, if you ask Me for help.
Sometimes people choose not to let go of something, whereas you are just afraid of doing it now: this is very different.
You fear it because you feel everything could escape from the hands and explode.
Observe how many things you are choking.
Observe how many desires you are hiding.
And every restrained, choked thing, creates knots, weights: the body feels them and highlights them in different ways.
Sing out loud when you fear to express the feelings you have inside you. Shout intensely when you feel that they are coming out, and say loudly:
– I am choosing freely to allow this – .
So you will not feel forced either from your soul, or from your heart, or from your body, or anybody else, having to let out what is inside you, but you will feel free to express everything.
And feeling free, you will not be afraid of doing so.
You need to shout, to scream, to sing out loud, to express intensely your Essence.
'Do this, and your body will rejoice with you.
The desire to dance will be born in you, and your body will thank you for everything."
Fear to open the heart, to share
Often, when one starts to open the hearts, a great fear rises, and sometimes you feel to 'die' ...
In reality there is 'death' of something, or a part of us, and you can feel the 'death' of our 'ego', of our personality coming.
This is life, this is the cycle of all living things.
When the flower begins to bloom, its bud dies.
When the fruit begins to take shape, the flower dies.
When a new day is born, the night dies.
When spring begins, winter dies.
If we think of this natural cycle of everything, we do not fear death anymore, but we see it only as a transformation, we feel that what happens is just a succession of different expressions of life.
That is why it is said that those who live in fear of dying, in reality do not live.
Since childhood we have heard about death as the worst evil.
We hardly ever hear that the death of the body allows the Soul the freedom to fly and return Home.
We can learn to see death in a new way and to welcome it into our lives in a different way: not as an enemy but as a friend that allows the transformation, the conclusion, the freedom.
If we listen to those who tell about the experience of the coma, we hear only about peace, freedom, lightness, joy, Light.
Often people who had this experience, know a so great happiness that then they feel the nostalgia of what they experienced, and with difficulty overcome the regret of not having been able to go further.
This regret can be dissolved thinking that the task chosen by the Soul had not finished yet, and that wonderful moment will return.
If we learn to look at the death as part of life, as a friend that gives the freedom to return Home, to live in joy and Love, we will not fear the 'death' of some of our parts, of our 'ego', of our personality anymore.
Indeed, when this will happen, we will smile, remembering that they are only prisons, and we will feel the joy of freedom.
I have a great fear to open up to anyone...
"Smile at this fear of yours, and let us observe together the reality.
When one has difficulty in opening the heart, there may be a fear of something to be then highlighted that is thought to remove Luminosity to the image, while the inner Little Girl still wants praises, wants to be told that she is good and beautiful.
This is a fear that comes from the mind, or from something lived in the past or in Past Lives, where a judgment created wounds and sufferings.
And this fear is increased by the knowledge that you have now parts of yours to be illuminated, let go, transformed.
It is like being children at school and knowing to have in one’s pocket the toys that are not brought to school, or to have acted although the teacher explained well how you did not have to act.
The student knows the toys he hides, of the actions done, of the thoughts of rejection he has towards the teacher, not only towards the school.
For this he fears to overthrow the pockets, afraid that someone discovers his actions, or intuit his thoughts.
Remember that these fears always arise from the mind, so listen only to your heart.
Feel My Love and the Love that is around you.
Think of the Love I will continue to give you, that I always accept you as you are, with all the toys you have in your pockets, with the non-luminous actions done, with your thoughts not always luminous, and I take you on my lap with immense Love.
All this will reassure your heart because you will always feel loved and accepted as you are.
And feel free to share what you want, when and how you will want.
By the time you do this, with the total confidence to be accepted, loved and not judged, everything will be simple, will take place in serenity, and you will taste what sharing and the openness of heart will give, lead to being, allow to live.
And your heart will have no fear, but only the desire to sing."
Fear of the inner work and of what growth requires
If the disharmonies of the body, of the heart, of the mind, are linked to our evolution, our growth, so are the cures, too and they always involve the Soul.
Here on the Planet Earth, each growth, each spiritual evolution, also takes place through suffering.
It often happens with the 'death' of some of our parts, with the 'death' of the 'ego' and personality.
For this it is necessary to open the doors of the heart, and always be ready to lay down one’s weapons the mind creates to fight with its fears.
Often there is the fear of following the Soul, feeling that doing so it can create changes in life.
You feel you will change, too that you cannot stay 'stationary', that the transformation will take place in many ways, and in different places.
But this constant insecurity is the most beautiful gift the Soul can give you.
When you will discover the beauty, you will thank your Soul and all that helped remove roots, holds, ties, in order to change you and your life.
One day you will forget the idea that you need fixed points, securities, and you will live the excitement of the adventure, the thrill of being a cloud carried by the wind in the immensity of the sky.
The mind knows it cannot follow you when you go inside you, when you go scrutinizing everything that is deep, and so it creates continuously many fears and obstacles to delay or prevent this inner journey.
When you feel the call of the Soul, smile to the mind, and in that time do 'with joy what the Soul is asking you, is leading you to understanding.
The future is always an escape, an excuse to indulge in pauses, to stall.
It is only in the present moment that everything is done and is overcome, that anything can happen.
I feel increasingly a strong urge to begin the journey towards myself, but a great fear is blocking me.
"You are afraid to hoe the ground whereas your Soul is pushing you insistently to do this.
The ‘Hearts’ that have experienced injuries, sufferings, deprivations, often bury everything to be able to continue and go on living.
That is why you are afraid to take the hoe in hand and dig too much on your ground.
But when the Soul has chosen to plow the ground, to close all the wounds of the past or of the Past Lives, it continues to ask for it.
Do not fear anything and rely even more on your Soul, because it will lead you along the right paths towards the chosen destination, to the High Peaks.
Abandon yourself with serenity.
Do not look at what you left, what you abandoned or are about to leave, what you feel you will have to let go: just abandon your Soul and allow Me to take you on my lap.
So the fears will disappear and you will only see the Light towards which your Soul is leading you, you will feel My protection, the warmth of My arms, the joy of Love I give you.
Be careful not to allow your mind to retain somehow your Soul with thoughts, doubts and fears.
Abandon yourself, in abandonment it cannot follow you..."
“... Your Soul has chosen to have blossomed within you a beautiful garden.
Any garden before receiving the seeds of the flowers needs plowing.
If that ground had lain fallow for many years, there are many weeds to remove, many rocks to extract, and not just dig once, but you need to dig up several times.
While digging the ground gets broken, clod after clod, but this is the only way to make that land fertile, which will allow My seeds, your ancient seeds to sprout.
Foretaste now the joy that you will have observing your beautiful flowered garden. Once, who went in the fields, sang a lot, so that work was less hard.
Among the songs, laughters, games, the fatigue of the body, the fear of tomorrow was forgotten.
Do this, too: sing, laugh, play, and you will not feel the fatigue of preparing the ground, and so it will be transformed quickly into a blooming garden.
And singing, laughing, playing, you will forget all fear."
Fear of the not understandable, the non-visible
"... If you are afraid to perceive, to feel or see the invisible, say:
– I am fearing happiness, ecstasy – .
Call Me beside you and ask Me to wrap you with the Light.
This will calm everything inside of you, because you will feel that when there is the light, the shadow cannot come up, or may appear.
When you are silent bring your hands to the heart and call the Light within you, call Me beside you and ask Me to wrap you with the Light, to protect you with My Love.
You will feel that everything you perceive and cannot see, what you feel, but you cannot understand, it is just an expression of Light.
'Do this every time you perceive something that you cannot see: so there will never be room for the shadow but only for the Light.
Always act so, even when something happens you cannot understand, motivate, and then, just be glad, because behind you there is definitely a gift for your, for your Soul.
If you insist and pretend to understand, you allow the mind to create the non-reality, to separate, and everything disappears in the division. "
"... The mind is the only one afraid of the not understandable, the invisible.
Listen to your heart and you will feel that it is happy to live the adventure, it wants to travel the unexplored paths, it loves the freedom insecurity, it rejoices what it feels and that you cannot see or explain.
If you bring attention to the heart, you feel that it is never totally satisfied: it loves the movement and wants to keep seeking.
This happens when the heart is fully healed and is giving a hand to the Soul, because the Soul is a great adventurer, it has chosen to live the unimaginable and magic adventures.
The healed heart follows the Soul, and leads you to enjoying your continuous going without knowing the destination, certain that the Soul will bring it to it."
Dissolving doubts and difficulties
The doubt is the result of the fear the mind creates.
It is rooted in the desire to protect oneself, to create safeties, to avoid changes, to take up responsibility.
Doubt is a defense, but in reality you do not defend yourself, indeed, you get trapped.
Giving room to the doubt you do not live what the Soul has chosen, it prevents the arrival of unimaginable gifts.
When you follow the Soul there is no need to defend oneself, but only to surrender confident.
And trust is the fruit of Love and Belief, that leads to being brave.
The doubts and fears arise from the mind; trust, Love, Belief, are the flowers of the heart.
Who or what can help me dissolve the thoughts and doubts that create me so many difficulties?
"The Light of course, living everyday life in the Light, moving steps and performing the actions in the Light.
If you walk in the light, you will love everything you meet along your path.
If your eyes are in the Light, you will feel the desire to let go of habits, patterns, and feel the desire to quench your thirst in the sources of Light, to feed in the sources of Love.
This will bring you to the enthusiasm and joy that will remove space and time to the doubts, the thoughts, the fears.
When a negative thought, a doubt, a fear, a not luminous intent, resurface, act with the Light, walk towards the Light, ask for help: everything will melt and vanish.
By doing this you will take away space and time to the doubts, the thoughts, to all what the mind creates, you will not give anymore nourishment to the mind that so will depart.
Do not seek with anxiety those who can help but think that everyone can accompany you along your steps, your actions.
Do not reach out your hand thinking that you have to ask for help, but do it with the joy of allowing someone to help you, to support you, to accompany you.
And always in your journey you will meet someone who reaches out to help and accompany you, you will always find something that will help.
Be aware that you actually have the means and the strength to make the journey on your own.
But if you travel alone you cannot experience the joy of meeting travelers who have the same destination as you, and to walk together.
Instead, holding the hand, the humility in asking and enthusiasm in giving will grow, because you will also hold hands reaching out to ask for help, to walk together."
Author: Satya
Extract from the book: Heal yourself and help heal
In addition to these books we have published 22 small-ebook:
Satya is a holistic therapist and counselor who has operated for many years in Italy.
Moreover, Satya is Reiki Master and channeler for more than 22 years and made channeling and Reiki courses in a lot of parts of Italy.
Has accompanied most people in a Path of personal and spiritual growth.
For more than 20 years, is accompanying a group in a Path of growth.
From some years, has chosen to live a simple and retired life in African continent to continue the Journey of Life towards themselves and to prepare themselves for a New.
Satya has chosen the pseudonym so that each can feel her only as a Soul in Walk.
The messages donated by the Angels have changed her life and helped many people.
Furthermore, can accompany in a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.
For this Satya feels as her 'task' to divulge these messages.
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