Creative people develop new possibilities.

Which parent does not dream of a good future for his child? A good job, a brilliant career ... Successful people are generally creative. Creativity is not just about art. Science and the business world also need creative people.
Creative people have an eye for new possibilities. They see something new (a solution to a problem) or come up with something new, after which they make or execute it.

A talent alone is not enough. .

When someone can draw or act well, it does not automatically mean that he is also creative. However, there is certainly a talent present. This talent is stimulated in a child by participating in a sports club, singing class or drama class. The trick is to also stimulate creativity, so that the person can really excel in his talent.

Creative people are more confident. .

Because creative people can view 'problems' from different angles, they can become successful and often have more confidence; after all, there is always a solution. They are less afraid, have guts and dare to perform in public. They persist, although their environment finds their idea or plan so strange.

You don't have to learn creativity; you have to stimulate it. .

Every person is born creative. After all, every child always tries to solve things in a - for him - new way.
Because of the upbringing, in which people often learn to think as everyone thinks (this is what your sister has to do, you have to do it like this), a bit of creativity is lost. When creative development is not stimulated sufficiently, someone will become less and less creative. He has not mastered the ability to be creative. It is therefore important to stimulate children's creativity.

20 tips to boost children's creativity: .

• Give a child the space to experiment and discover in a challenging environment. (Have them come up with their own recipe or game.)
• Provide lots of materials to experiment with. These can be free materials, such as empty boxes.
• Don't be afraid of junk in your house.
• Have children play with different materials at the same time, if they wish.
• Show interest in what a child has made. And also get an eye for the creative process.
• Encourage a child to make their own decision.
• Give a child time to think about something.
• Let a child form his own opinion.
• Give a child room to make mistakes.
• Take a child and his ideas seriously.
• Let a child be himself and do not compare him to others.
• Respond positively to a child's creative ideas (although it may seem impossible to you).
• Don't disapprove of something right away, but ask questions like: Why are you doing it like this? Why do you choose that color?
• Have a child daydream.
• Provide a place where your child can be alone (to daydream).
• Use humor and act differently.
• Have a child move a lot (outside). Most creative ideas arise during a walk, a bike ride or when you see something you come across.
• Do not fill every free moment with a fun activity or a visit to an association, but give a child the space to think for themselves what it will do. Bored moments challenge a child to be creative. (Creative people never get bored.)
• Don't be black and white and don't judge too quickly. You may say that you don't know something. This is an incentive for children to explore.
• Have a child make something of "nothing" regularly, by playing with blocks or tinkering.
• Ask yourself what a child doesn't like about you and why not. Forbidding your child to just run on the busy road makes sense, but why shouldn't it fold it body in some weird way when you're talking to someone on the street ...?

READ MORE: Learn to be Creative

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It does not automatically mean that he is also creative