“Love is a force that connects us to every strand of the universe, an unconditional state that characterizes human nature, a form of knowledge that is always there for us if only we can open ourselves to it” - Emily Hilburn Sell
You were born with a magnificent gift. You came into this ... Views: 1005
Spending an entire day at an airport dealing with one flight delay after another was once a nightmare for me. I have since learned to look for the gift in every experience. My recent, and much anticipated, trip to Italy began with such an unexpected day. Instead of pouting thinking my entire ... Views: 1590
“Self-sabotage is when we say we want something and then go about making sure it doesn't happen.” - Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby
Underneath any unwanted self-sabotaging pattern of behavior is fear. These undesirable experiences can include career self-sabotage, any form of addiction, workaholic or ... Views: 2974
“The only real valuable thing is intuition.” - Albert Einstein
Everyone was born with the magical power of intuition. Intuition is a clear flow of information that is available to you that is aligned with you highest path and purpose. Intuition is one of the most amazing resources at your ... Views: 1751
“Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?” - Benjamin Franklin
The most exciting place to discover and actualize your talent is in yourself. What does it mean to realize your talents, and how do you do it? When you actualize your talents you understand ... Views: 2004
The most empowering question anyone can ask of a child, or even an adult, is "Who do you want to be when you grow up?" A child will respond with wide-eyed wonderment and enthusiasm while the adult will often respond with a woeful look of that was then, this is now retort.
"He who trims ... Views: 1416
In my conversations with artists, actors, writers, singers and musicians I've noticed a pattern of three 'sinkholes' that suck the creative energy right out of a person. There are various nuances and sub-categories within the top three but for the sake of brevity I've sorted the big energy ...In ... Views: 1504
“The only way to predict the future is to have power to shape the future.” - Eric Hoffer
You have the power to shape your future the way you want it to unfold. You are a magnificent and magically powerful being. You are blessed with the gift to create all that you desire to experience in ... Views: 1647
Welcome to your life, the attendance in a universal elementary school of sorts, where you are here to learn, develop and enjoy your being. You are here to learn your ABC's of Abundance, Being-ness and Consciousness. In the rich generative soil of physical reality you are meant to grow and ... Views: 1367
Fear cripples creativity. Nothing new there. We've all experienced fear as we reach for inspiration, motivation and satisfaction. Fear dwells at the bottom of the pit of desperation. Fear is the lowest of lows.
I have a client who came to me and said that she felt like she was stuck in a ... Views: 979
People often ask me how I live such a magical life. It's easy. I believe in magic.
HA! The song "Do You Believe in Magic" by the The Lovin' Spoonful just ran through my head. But I digress - or do I? Actually that flash of music just proved my point. What you believe in is brought unto ... Views: 1540
It's funny when and where inspiration strikes. My latest epiphany came to me while soaking in a hot bubble bath. I had to run from the tub soaking wet to write it down. I've learned that inspiration can disappear as quickly as it comes if not acted upon. This nugget of an AHA moment made me ... Views: 1501
I've been giving a lot of thought to the various messages we've received over the years and generally highly regard. Many success and self-help experts have told us that we need to "Seize the Day". "Carpe diem" they tell us.
Well, what the heck does that mean? How does one "seize the ... Views: 1381
The most damaging restrictions on a creative person's freedom are self-imposed. What may have started out as a new idea, a new methodology, becomes routine, a habit, after awhile. Habits are the comfort zone. Once snuggled into a comfort zone there is a tendency to stay. However, this is not ... Views: 1310
“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” - Dr. Seuss
In these hectic, often stressful days, many people measure themselves on ... Views: 1398
I encourage everyone to reread the stories that awed and entertained us as children. I guarantee you will find new meaning as an adult in the works of Lewis Carroll, Dr. Seuss, Frank Baum and his Wizard of Oz series, and more. These authors delivered powerful life affirming messages to us as ... Views: 1832
"'People will suffer almost anything as long as it means they don't have to change." ~ Deepak Chopra
Life is a series of ups and downs, twists and turns. You can approach the roller coaster of life with arms high in the air; willingly and ready for whatever comes next. Or you can grip the ... Views: 1587
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson
It's strange to think that fear of succeeding could be such a big issue and do much damage. I've found it ... Views: 874
“Unless you marry intention to action, you end up with only a brief affair.” - author unknown
Many people fill their days with thoughts of who they want to be, what they want to do and what they want to have. "I want financial freedom. I want a new car. I want to take a vacation this year. I ... Views: 1426
"Art knows no limit, and the artists will never achieve perfection." - Bente Borsum
Bente Borsum is a talented actress who performed with the Norwegian National Theatre and was a director of the Norwegian National Drama School. As a mentor and teacher, she works with younger artists who need ... Views: 1887
"Who am I Kidding?"
"Who am I to do this?"
"What am I thinking?"
"I'm not (fill in the blank) enough."
These are questions creative people in the visual and performing arts ask themselves every day. They are the questions that stop an artist from starting a project. Stop an actor ... Views: 3562
"This above all; to thine own self be true." - William Shakespeare
What is integrity?
What does it mean to be in integrity?
If you look up the word "integrity" in the dictionary you will learn that it comes from the Latin word, "integer" which means "whole". Integrity is an unreduced or ... Views: 1523
Where you are in your creative expression mirrors where you are in your life flow. If you are blocked creatively it is an indication that there is a disruption in your energy flow. Something isn't working. And the harder you try to push on forward the more blocked you become. You become ... Views: 1531
"A poem is a naked person... Some people say that I am a poet." - Bob Dylan
When you show up naked, vulnerable, authentic and open, you allow others to genuinely see who you are. You've heard the old adage, "Actions Speak Louder than Words". It's true. When you fully realize that what you ... Views: 1383
Granny may be on to something that our comparatively inexperienced presence may not be aware of. We often run to Granny for her sage, sometimes cryptic, wisdom. And Grannies knit. Are the two related? Would we be well served by picking up a pair of knitting needles and a skein or two of yarn? ... Views: 1338
"Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your Soul." - Walt Whitman
For many artists, challenges are very personal. And one of the biggest challenges is the Critic in the room, the Inner Critic. This gnarly Inner Critic is the voice of your self-doubt and fear. It is the ... Views: 1359
Artists of every kind; painters, photographers, sculptors and actors will tell me that they are blocked. When we examine their specific challenge we discover that often they are not blocked, the are really resisting moving forward. There is a vast difference between the two. If you're ... Views: 1224
You create your life as an artist uses color. There is no experience that you cannot change. In this miraculous life you are given the gift of a creative being. And with this gift that is your birthright you create your reality according to your beliefs. It is your creative energy that makes ... Views: 1242
“Art is essentially the affirmation, the blessing, and the deification of existence” - Friedrich Nietzsche
While traveling the road of life's journey of growth and fulfillment many people recite affirmations such as "I am rich without a hitch" or "I am strong, I am safe and all is well." ... Views: 1346
When Alexander the Great visited Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for the famed teacher, Diogenes replied: "Only stand out of my light." Perhaps some day we shall know how to heighten creativity. Until then, one of the best things we can do for creative men and women is to stand ... Views: 2332
Life is a journey! It can be a easy free-flowing miraculous journey or it can be a journey of wrong turns, dead ends, crash and burns and arduous uphill routes. Some people are able to move forward in the direction of their dreams; others continue to make wrong turns or get stuck in a rut. If ... Views: 1297
In today's abundance of beauty lotions and potions, nips and tucks, that serve to resist and camouflage the signs of aging we rob ourselves of the most powerful beauty enhancement resource available to mankind. I'm speaking of the aging process itself.
The prevailing and repetitive message we ... Views: 1237
“Man spends his life in reasoning on the past, in complaining of the present, in fearing future.” - Antoine Rivarol
I was sitting at a local Starbucks snuggled up in a comfy chair with a good book and a piping hot latte when I heard a woman exclaim, "Traffic was a bear getting ... Views: 1067
Are you putting up with things in your life that annoy you or drains the energy right out of you? A good majority of people have been carrying around suitcases filled with unfinished projects and things they are tolerating. You could be tolerating an annoying neighbor, excess weight, or a bad ... Views: 1013
Where is the past? Some people will say that the past is ‘behind them’. If you look ‘behind them’ you will not see the past. Others will point to their head and say the past is ‘in there, in my mind’. If you were to surgically open their head you would not ... Views: 1320
Have you ever looked at your pet and knew exactly what he wanted to “say” to you? Have you ever noticed someone’s body language that communicated something contrary to what they were saying? Have you ever had a gut feeling that something you were about to do wouldn’t ... Views: 1543
Many people have discovered the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to relieve emotional blocks and stress. EFT was developed on the basic discovery that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. Tapping with specific attention and intention to relieve an ... Views: 1548
I spent a delightful weekend reading Roy Firestone's book, "Don't Make Me Cry, Roy - Adventures in Interviewing". Roy is a known sportscaster famous for his poignant personal interviews with over 5,000 sports stars and other celebrities. You might have seen him as himself in the movie "Jerry ... Views: 2316
- Have you ever procrastinated long enough for an elephant-sized pile of to-do post-it notes to congregate on your desk?
- Have you ever taken on a project that is just to big to tackle?
- Are you backed into a corner overwhelmed at the giant-sized task before you?
Uh-oh. You have ... Views: 1270
Are you:
- stuck in a rut?
- often tired even though you get enough sleep?
- procrastinating even the easy things?
- finding excuses and reasons why you can't be, do or have what you want in life?
If you answered yes to any of those questions then you are spending your days dragging The ... Views: 1077
The vehicle you use to travel on your road to self-awareness and abundance is self-examination. The process of self-examination is a journey of twists and turns, straightaways with frequent glimpses in your side and rearview mirrors. As you know from your driving experiences, mirrors have blind ... Views: 1236
As Gandhi said, "Be the change you seek.". Many people live in a state of quiet desperation or restless agitation. Conditioned in their youth, they are exhausted living their 'should be" supposed-to-be lives. You can get good at living someone else's life yet it's exhausting! You were born to ... Views: 3767
I was having fun watching my two cats play one morning when I had one of those AHA moments. I had one of those 'out of the blue' moments of clarity that enlightened, empowered and inspired me. The pussycats were playing a leap-frog kind of game when the play turned into aggression. Both cats ... Views: 1165
"Each relationship you have with another person reflects the relationship you have with yourself." - Alice Deville.
You have a lot of personal and professional relationships in your life. Some relationships are loving, satisfying, uplifting, supportive and enrich your life experience. You ... Views: 7005
The difference between a winner and an 'also ran' isn't extra ordinary skills or talents. Let's face it, people who are at the top of their field excel at their game be it sports, business or personal achievement. In the sports world there are two champions, titans of athletes, who share one ... Views: 3119
I have a client, let's call her Kathy, who was in a post holiday funk. For her, nothing seemed to being going right. She was annoyed at her boss and co-workers. She was nagging her boyfriend over little things. She just didn't feel good. 2009 was not starting out with a bang for her. ...I ... Views: 2293
The difference between a winner and an 'also ran' isn't extra ordinary skills or talents. Let's face it, people who are at the top of their field excel at their game be it sports, business or personal achievement. In the sports world there are two champions, titans of athletes, who share one ... Views: 2047
What is self-esteem?
Self-esteem is much more than pride in oneself or self-respect. It is much more than how much a person likes, accepts, and respects himself overall as a person. Self-esteem is about confidence. Our confidence in our own ability to think and to cope with the basic ... Views: 842