Are you watching your mind?

Are you a mind watcher?

If not, who is watching that mind? It’s like having a big mean tiger in your backyard, no leash, no fence, nothing to stop it from running amok. Doesn’t sound like a good idea, does it?

If we aren’t mind-watching, our mind is having its way with us. We are roller-coastering. We are being pushed up and down, good moods, bad moods, good days, bad days, happy, sad, clear, confused. If we are not watching every move our mind makes we are allowing it to wreak its havoc unnoticed, terrorizing us like that tiger loose in the neighborhood.

This state is actually the lot of most of the humans on the planet. The “normal” mind, the habitual, automatic mind, is out of control and there seems nothing can be done about it.

Our mind is negative. If we are not watching it, the negative mind has us captured, captivated, and into negativity.

If we are not watching—witnessing--- our mind, and we are thus allowing our mind to run us, we are unhappy, miserable and suffering. The reason is that the negativity is continually taking us ----taking our attention---away from the 100% positive being that we really are.

If we are not watching our mind, we are living on automatic and operating reactively from one or more negative emotion, apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger and pride. Most of the 6.6 billion people on this planet are living that way. Even most of those who are witnessing what is going on, who are mind watchers, are not able to escape the grasp of the mind, though they see what is happening to them. They see the negativity, but they do not know a way to get rid of it---a way to rid themselves of it.

Not knowing how to get rid of the mind noise and mind contents, the thoughts and feelings, some try to cover it up with such things as affirmations, good thoughts and with myriad other techniques many of which seem to work temporarily or provide a sense of well-being. All of these techniques are good because they are in the direction away from the negativity. However, they are unable to sustain the positive, the good feelings, the sense of well-being, because the negative they seek to escape from is still there and one day it rises up, the ego rises up.

In the desire to get positive, to be positive, they do not have a way to rid themselves of the underlying negativity, most of which is subconscious, so they do not even know it is there. As the positive paint wears away, the negative, which has been hiding-out , appears and they are back where they began. That is why the constant searching, seeking, efforting, trying this and that idea, hoping to escape this spiral.

We who have been fortunate to have discovered the Release Technique have that critical extra step. We watch our mind, we see the negativity, the negative actions and activity of our mind, we see it and we have a method of undoing it, of bringing it out of its subconscious hiding place and into our conscious awareness. We have knowledge, gained by experience and practice, we know how to let it go, to release it permanently, never to bother us again.

We have many, many tools gained and practiced in the weekend live Abundance Course, the seven day retreats, and the advanced courses allowing us to increase the momentum, gain the energy and skill needed to access the negativity and get rid of it once and for all.

We have a simple and easy technique to rid ourselves of limitation, of thoughts and feelings that have plagued us for so long and that have been a seemingly thick curtain covering over our real, natural, unlimited, all abundant, all perfect, all positive real Self. It’s always been there, covered over by the negativity.

We have everything we need and its simple to do; the Release Technique is remarkably simple to do. It is so easy. If we do it. If we stay awake to what is going on, we easily apply our simple releasing tools and we drop negativity. As we release each bit of negativity, we get more positive, we get more and more happy, we get successful, and we realize abundance because that is our real natural state which has been covered over by the negativity harbored in our mind.

Go to and learn more about dropping negativity and living the life you have always imagined is possible

Author's Bio: 

Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson

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