Signs that you could be a good leader are many and varied. Perhaps in your workplace, there seem to be lots of people running round looking busy but nothing actually ever gets done? Remember those dreams you had, the things you wanted to do and achieve, are they still just dreams? If you identify with these points, then perhaps it's time to get cracking, and do it.

Some people are like sheep, with an almost follow my leader attitude, but maybe that's not what you want, perhaps you know you can and have the drive to make things happen. In this case the chances are that you're yearning to be a leader.

Leadership qualities are made up of many elements, and whether or not you or anyone else is born with the natural talent, it will still take determination, drive and willingness to work, as well as a lot of experience. Some people believe that great leaders are born, not made, and some believe the opposite, the debate continues, yet there is no doubt that in either case a great deal of effort is required to develop true leadership skills.

Know your stuff. Within the firm or the organization you work for, know who is who. Know the firm's vision, their aspirations and the hierarchy within which they operate. This will give others a clear sense that you know your job inside out and have confidence in you.

Of course, many leaders in history have been so simply because they made their minions do the dirty work. This is not true leadership at all. True leadership is about knowing as much as possible and being as knowledgeable as possible. Who you know obviously helps, too. You should in fact embody what you are trying to influence your subordinates to be.

You probably know yourself through your experiences in the workplace and elsewhere that if you trust and are confident in your leader you will do anything for them. Instill this in your subordinates and they will go above and beyond the call of duty for you and the company.

Morals, integrity, and good alliances, the building blocks of confidence and trust

The way you relate to your subordinates and resulting relationship with them will be the building blocks of the durability and robustness of your ‘army'. The closer the alliance and resulting relationship, the stronger the trust will be that you have built up, and the confidence that they have in you.

The goals and achievements you wish to fulfill can be revealed to your team once you have gained their allegiance and they trust you.

Without good communication there is no leadership. You must communicate in a clear manner your particular skills and knowledge.

This is not James Bond. You do not need to do everything or know everything yourself, nor should you claim to.

Your team will no doubt contain within it a varied skill set. If you recognize and take advantage of this, your team will run as a well oiled machine.

Being a leader isn't easy and it isn't all about you. You get out of it what you put in, which is a lot of time and work. You can't learn in it a correspondence course, or by reading a book. Leadership is all about the people in your team and whoever else you interact with.

After all this, do you feel you have the required qualities to be a leader? Can you cooperate and work well with other people, as well as the drive to serve? If you do, then begin now. Stand up and seize the day!

Author's Bio: 

MindMaster is a program that is designed to help you become a good leader through some customized subliminal messages. You can try the program for Free by going to our website: