Have you ever imagined yourself doing those heroic things in your life that literally reshape the world as we know it – you overcome your personal demons, overcome poverty and oppression and lead your generation into a new world of freedom, enlightenment and justice for all?

Ok, well maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but at least you’ve dreamt about doing a tiny little part of that on some level, haven’t you? Look, even Jesus wasn’t able to manage saving the world and creating justice for all, but before I take away your inspiration I would just like you to consider making some subtle or maybe not so sublet shifts in your life or better yet, your mind so that you can at least save your world by creating it from the inside out.

The outcomes you want

So here is what is going to make it difficult. The problem will be or is, is that you get caught up in being that person who you want to be. In other words, you get attached to the results you are trying to achieve. Here is what it looks like when you do become attached to the outcomes you desire, you get happy when things go your way and you also get upset, down on yourself and down on life when things aren’t going your way. Sound familiar?

There are infinite ways we unconsciously get attached to outcomes we desire. For example, you can get attached to becoming that spiritual person you envision yourself to be. How do you become attached? How does that happen? Your mind, being a polarized measuring machine becomes identified with the end result i.e. “ being a spiritual person.” Your subconscious mind’s blue print says, “when I am a spiritual person I have reached my goal, than we will be happy.” And of course, when I fail at being very spiritual, “I will be failing and I will be unhappy.” Do you see how all of this is just a mental happiness, conditional happiness on very specific outcomes? Lots of people would even say that’s ok and normal. Yes it is, and it is also ego based reality, is that what you want?

Even when you achieve the freedom to do whatever it is you want to do when you want to do it, you can still get bore with that. Ultimately, as the divine plan has set it up, you will look up and ask, now what? Then you will look inside and ask, who am I after all, what am I really made of, what are my limits, how can I access more of my potential, how can I access more of the divine consciousness in me or how can I use the divine powers within me more consciously and hold the divinity within?

When you become truly passionate about inquiring about these questions, you quickly begin to find tangible experiences that are nothing short of miraculous, jaw dropping and of course liberating.

There is a whole world within yourself that needs to be transformed; you are the world that you want to save. Trust me, the fear and limitations you think you have are just the tip of the iceberg. Once you start to access higher consciousness, I don’t care if you have meditated 4 hours a day for 10 years, there are energies do divine and so high nothing can prepare you for. It’s a low process, one made to be enjoyed and celebrated along the way. Every day you have a change to change the whole world by changing yourself. Like the butterfly effect, if you cause one tiny ripple with your body-mind that brings you closer to your sacred self, you will affect the whole universe.

Focusing on the here and now, focusing on being the change you want to see in the world, focusing on transforming you inner world as your primary goal in life, you will without any other heroic effort effect and transform not only the whole world but the whole universe for the better.

Do you know what the highest paying profession is? The highest paying profession is the profession embodying your higher self. What other profession pays your efforts off for eternity? Liberate yourself of resentment towards someone and the freedom and peace with that person can last not just this life time, but for eternity, being that you are eternal of course.

There is a world to be saved and it’s sitting right inside of you. And there is only one hero that can save it – You! As a result of making yourself the primary purpose, you will organically and without stress and struggle do those things to help make humanity a better place, but from a place of inner peace and contentment – outside the expectations of the ego. Essentially, you will then create with your heart and what is created with the heart is long lasting, stable and of course peaceful. Will you remember to change your inner film first, or are you going to keep trying to change the movie that is being projected?

Author's Bio: 

Dario Da Ponte is a gifted energy healer who can remotely heal any specific issue and imprint the subconscious mind with any empowering belief. He is a full time healer who's clients include, Harry Massey, producer of the movie "The living Matrix" Get a sample healing session by contacting him through his website. http://www.coreawakening.org