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Seventh Life PathFree numerology reports, Life path number calculator, numerology calculation methods, Life path number compatiblity chart, Relationship compatibility readings Views: 37
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Attracting Better RelationshipsFREE relationship compatibility guide, covering Western astrology, Chinese Astrology as well as numerology information. Views: 36
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Chrissieblaze.comThe aim of my website is to inform and inspire, to help you to live life deeper with practical tools for a more conscious life. I offer astrological and spiritual tools, including free monthly horoscopes, lunar and mercury retrograde phases, etc. Views: 36
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Looking Up AstrologyOffering a full service astrology site geared toward conscious living and loving. Over 25 years experience. Natal, transit, progressed and event charts all written in clear, concise language. Professional, prompt and always with gratitude. Welcome to Looking Up Astrology! Views: 36
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Western-Eastern Astrology Free Horoscope Astrology and Free Eastern Astrology, i.e., 6-Star Astrology, are available.... Views: 36
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Zephyr ServicesAstrology software since 1982 and other software programs as well. Our old site www.Zephyrs.com is still opertating as well. Views: 36
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Astrocopia.comAdvanced astrological predictions for every unique year and month along with information relating to love, health, business, sports, politics etc. plus comprehensive astrological services.
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GODDESSY - Astrology - New Age - Spirituality - Belief Is Only The Beginning...GODDESSY was founded in October 1999 by spokesmodel and author Stephanie Adams, who is currently the author of 24 metaphysical publications, in addition to having been the astrologist and contributing editor for 10 publications as well as a renowned psychic and tarot card reader. Views: 35
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My Web AstologerFree Online Weekly Horoscopes, Zodiac Horoscope Predictions, Free Astrological Birth Charts, Free Reports on Gems Birth Stones, Kavach, Astral Remedies, on Vedic Indian Astrology Telephonic Reading from Indian Astrologer Narinder Juneja Views: 34
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North Node AstrologyAn astrology blog/website devoted to exploring life direction and soul purpose through the North and South Nodes. Views: 34
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Free Tarot ReadingA free online ten-card Tarot reading, most suitable for a specific question but may also be used for a general reading. Views: 33
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SiriusMajuAstrological and psychic readings. Views: 32
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Ask Astro-CoachA question and answer column combining astrological insights with life coaching wisdom. Real life drama, real astrology at work and a truly good read! Email your most compelling question. Views: 31
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Clayten, Certified Esoteric AstrologerClayten Tylor offers Spiritual Development &
Life-Improvement Consulting thru Esoteric Astrology Readings and Numerology. Esoteric Readings cover One Year into the Future. In person or by Telephone (Just as affective by telephone, worldwide). Views: 31
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Venus AstrologyVenus Astrology professional astrology reports and forecasts for love, life, career and future offers the highest quality professional astrology reports and astrology forecasts emailed directly to you. Free horoscopes, sample readings, and zodiac information. Views: 31
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A Flight Above VenusProviding guidance and healing through energetic systems and divination. Stacy Davidoff is a master teacher in several modalities and has been practicing the art of star interpretation for 15 years. Views: 30
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