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Mood 24/7Mood 24/7 was developed by HealthCentral based on technology licensed exclusively from Johns Hopkins University to help you track your daily mood with your cell phone, for free. Views: 3
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RiverWoods Behavioral HealthRiverWoods Behavioral Health System is a 75-bed treatment center, offering a full spectrum of treatment options to address chemical dependency and behavioral health disorders. Views: 3
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The Coffee KlatchThe Coffee Klatch is an interactive forum on Blog Talk Radio and Twitter bringing you expert guests including award winning authors, doctors, psychologists, advocates and representatives from the world's most respected children's organizations.
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The Emperor Has No ToqueThe Life, Observations and rants of a Journalist Living with Bipolar Disorder & Anxiety. Views: 3
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The SkitsThe aim of the website is to understand stigma. Mental illness is most likely linked to bad or strained social relations. A lot of people do not have a clear outlet with their current social relations, for instance, they may have an interest in metaphysics that their community would consider 'weird' or 'mental'. Views: 3
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Finding the Courage to Love MyselfA personal blog to finding happiness and fulfillment in life while struggling to mental health issues and basic issues of being in mid-20s. Views: 2
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Jagruti Rehabilitation CentreJagruti Rehabilitation Center provides the best De addiction programs which involves family therapy, medication and spirituality. Views: 2
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Levine-Oliver PublisherMental Health Awareness with book purchase information; "Cooling Well Water: A Collection of Work By An African-American Bipolar Woman" Views: 2
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Mad PraxisA site devoted to the writings of two individuals coping with mental health issues and using the power of the written word to combat stigma and learned helplessness. Views: 2
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The Bipolar SpouseDedicated to supporting the supporters of loved ones living with Bipolar Disorder. Views: 2
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Where Are the Cocoa Puffs?Where Are the Cocoa Puffs?: A Family's Journey Through Bipolar Disorder information page. Views: 2
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Alison P. Hammonds - A Center for Life EnhancementA full time private practice offering varied modalities and wellness interventions for comprehensive care that highlights emotional, physical, and spiritual growth with multicultural and diverse populations. Views: 1
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Anti AnxietyAnti anxiety Was created to promote the prevention, treatment and management of anxiety disorders.
Anti anxiety Can provide information and behavior therapies for all types of anxiety disorders to improve the lives of people who suffer from them. Views: 1
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COGO2.com: Online CBT Application for Depression and AnxietyCOGO2 is an Online CBT(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) application for mental health clients and mental health professionals. Clients can do their CBT homework online and benefit from the reports and analysis available from the data. Professionals can then access their clients data and provide feedback and support.
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Family Center for RecoveryFamily Center for Recovery is a mental health facility that uses cutting edge medicine and therapy to treat its patients. They treat mental health and substance use disorders and accept both teenagers and adults into their various programs. Views: 1
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FHE HealthFHE Health is a nationally recognized behavioral health provider treating addiction and other mental health disorders in adults over the age of 18 from around the country. Learn about our treatment programs here: https://fherehab.com/treatment-programs/ and https://fherehab.com/mental-health-rehab/. Views: 1
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