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Re-membering Wholeness CoachingCustomized process using mental-emotional clearing along and subtle energy work. Heart-brain entrainment, neuro-restructuring, mindfulness coaching. Conducted remotely over the phone. Views: 2
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The Brain TrainerClear the unconscious mental blocks to health, happiness, and success with hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming or NLP and Life and Business Coaching. Views: 2
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The Four Pillars of LifeTime, Money, Relationships, and Self-Esteem: these are the Four Pillars of Life, and by positively focusing on each pillar, you can strengthen the foundation of your life experience.
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Welfare DiaryYour personal coach in life, business and relationships. Stay motivated and inspired. Day to day trainings and strategies for your success. Views: 2
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www.midbrainactivation.ileadstar.comAs a parent its really important for us to take care of our junior's at every cost.
We do conduct midbrain activation workshops in UAE(dubai, sharjah , abu dhabi) , New Zealand & South Africa
visit www.midbrainactivation.ileadstar.com or www.ileadstar.com for more information. Views: 2
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Advanced Mind TherapyTherapy site answering questions about using Hypnosis NLP and related techniques for performance enhancement therapy for Business Sales and Sport. Views: 1
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Aloha GujaratALOHA GUJARAT is a holistic mental development process based on mental arithmetic system and has yielded truly amazing results. It is an accredited international training program for children in the age group of 4-14 years to enhance their learning abilities, concentration power and develop mathematical skills Views: 1
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BCT's Brain VitalityBCT's Brain Vitality was developed to assist those with age related memory and cognitive issues, those with attention disorders such as ADD and ADHD, and those who just want a better life through Coaching and Mindfulness Meditation.
We also offer Certification as a Mindfulness Meditation teacher. Views: 1
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Bill StierleBill is a thought leader in the integration of Emotional Intelligence and Brain Dominance Technology. These tools provide individuals and companies the ability to become effective in decision making, team analysis and executive management. Views: 1
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Binaural Brainwave - Brain Entrainment with Binaural Beats DownloadBinaural Brainwave - Brain Entrainment with Binaural Beats Download. These MP3s are very powerful mind-programming tools which can improve any area of your life. Realise your true potential, eliminate negative thought patterns, instil a positive outlook on life, improve confidence, learn to focus, quell anxiety + more
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Boost Your ProductivityBrainwave entrainment audios for developing sharper focus and enhanced productivity so you can get more done in less time. Views: 1
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Brain Discovery Global SchoolBrain Discovery Global School is the most innovative playschool run by the Doctors & Educationists. The school focuses on nurturing the inner skills of the child in such a way to make them think innovatively. The has a complete bagless system with an advanced curriculum. Views: 1
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BrainGroomBraingroom is our online marketplace for educational & lifestyle classes which is transparent & safe for users to choose a specific class from a wide variety of classes and it is also a hassle- free portal for tutors & academies to post classes. Views: 1
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Bryce Alexander MusicAll about perfect pitch, how it works, and how you can learn it. Views: 1
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Burning Desires MotivationThis is not just a normal blog, but rather, a community of warriors and beasts who have the burning desire towards their aims or goals in life. This blog deals with success, motivation, personality development, management, entrepreneurship and lifestyle. Views: 1
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Common Sense KundaliniThe purpose of Common Sense Kundalini is to provide information on human potential and to be a comprehensive source of facts on kundalini. Views: 1
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DNA Alternative Forms Services - Develop N AccelerateWe offer practical knowledge, products and services from within each of these topics. Spiritual enlightenment, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual works, Spiritual forms, and Spiritual health. Mental health, Mental development, and Mental entrainment. Physical forms, physical health, and physical development. Views: 1
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