CJ Wright is an astrologer, numerologist and tarotist and serves as Co-Editor of the Numerology, Intuition and Symbols community at All Things Healing. CJ writes the Auntie Moon (astrology) and Year~Seer (numerology) blogs, and is the author of Year~Seer: The Nine Year Cycle of Life. CJ loves the symbolism of the signs and planets, gardening by the moon, and staying in sync with the signs and seasons.
CJ is Co-Editor of the Numerology and Intuition & Symbols communities of All Things Healing (ATH). ATH is committed to bringing together a worldwide community of individuals and organizations dedicated to informing and educating people on topics relating to alternative healing of mind, body, spirit and the planet at large.
As long as people have a sense of wonder in their lives, they may not have a need for the intuitive arts ~ astrology, numerology, or the tarot. The intuitive arts are only one of many ways to access that sense of wonder.
What people gain through these arts is a symbolic language, poetry. In its most basic sense, Astrology is the language of the seasons, light and dark, a connection to nature ~ the elements, temperaments, the night sky, and worlds beyond our own. We learn that we really do revolve around our sun, and that it takes more than 365 days to make that journey. It takes a lifetime.
We are able to explore the patterns of life that go beyond the rites of passage that most people only know as sweet sixteen, becoming of legal age, midlife crisis, or retirement. “She turned 30″ becomes “her first Saturn return,” or “he completely lost it,” might mean Uranus opposed his Sun or that he's in a #7 Personal Year. Those terms speak volumes to the astrologer or numerologist who can see the cycles unfolding in a life, like pages turning in a journal.
The intuitive arts give us a look at our own star map, a guide for the journey. But it never loses its sense of wonder because it’s never completely predictable. We may have the map, but we’re explorers in an unknown territory. We don’t have all the details ~ the peculiarities, histories, and desires of the people who travel with us, the turns we take along the journey, the cultures we encounter, the victories and defeats, pains and pleasures ~ all of those give a dialect to the language. That’s what makes it poetry.
To learn more about how I use the intuitive arts in combination with each other, visit my blog Auntie Moon. You'll see how there's a magic silk thread that links them together ~ each a different strand in the ever-expanding web of life.