Master Coach Hu is a scholar of Tolle’s and Chopra’s work in the same way a psychologist might be a scholar of Maslow’s or Freud’s work. Coach Hu has invested three decades of his life researching, studying, clinically testing and systematizing the works of authors such as Tolle, Chopra, Zukav, Williamson, Hay, Singer and hundreds more into an educational learning system that has evolved into the 1st Authentic Spiritual Life Coaching Healing Modality called the HuMethod™.
The HuMethod™ title was chosen because the word “Hu” refers to the subconscious, divine and quantum powers that exist within all human beings. Mastering how to tap into these Universal Powers is why HuMethod™ Certified Coaches are able to create the permanent behavioral changes needed for their clients to manifest their self-help goals as quickly as humanly possible.
Coach Hu Dalconzo is the founder of [HLC], a Spiritual Life Coaching Certification School. Coach Hu has logged in over 25,000 Spiritual Life-Coaching hours for over 20 years helping thousands of people achieve their dreams. Coach Hu and his colleagues developed the HuMethod™ Spiritual Life Coaching Healing Modality to help souls transcend their karmic predicament.
In 1998 Coach Hu wrote the groundbreaking Life Coaching titled Self-Mastery…A Journey Home to Your Self, which is used by HLC’s Life Coaches as a textbook to empower their clients to be all they can be. Coach Hu is a down to earth, globally-conscious visionary who in 1993 launched the environmentally conscious “SAVE the…Humans” campaign, which after twenty years has evolved into a global transformational campaign titled Inner-Net of One... Abundance Exchange.
Books, CDs, MP3 Albums and Life Coaching Training Manuals by Master Coach Hu Dalconzo:
*For additional information about Coach Hu’s accomplishments Google- Hu Dalconzo*
Namasté… Om Shanti
I See God In You, I See God In Me… Remaining Conscious of that Awareness is the Highest Attainment.
“Live your life in such a way that those who know you, but who don’t know God, will come to know God, because they know you.”
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