Jo Anne founded Crossing Bridges and Associates to bring structure to her mission, passion and purpose.
Her techniques encourage her clients and audiences to take a leap of consciousness to own their intuitive potential. She believes that all of us are intuitive. We enter into the world with this individually unique human potential that can be developed like any other skill.
Strategic, Integrated Success Strategies uses skills that support people in developing the powerhouse that lies within them through their subconscious and conscious minds. This program is a state-of-the-art, fast paced learning tool that increases her clients ability to access the creativity, innovatiion, widsom, and clarity that is offered by the intuitive gifts within each individual and at the same time anchor this informatiion with the crystal clear, linear skills of the rational mind. New brain research is finally catching up with what ancient spiritual teachers have taught for centuries:
Born into a family of intuitive celtic women, she inherited many intuitive gifts demonstrated through her abilities as medical and intuitive sensitive. Her grandmother encouraged the development of her rational mind through advanced education to gain credibility of her intuitive skills. Her life and teaching philosophy integrates this intuitive/rational balance. She has inspired
thousands of people to seek the intuitive within them to find guidance and
wisdom in their own lives. Her intuitive seminars provide skills that
support people to gain the confidence to trust themselves as they unfold
their own unique intuitive expression.
Her career path has reflects a passion for the human potential fields as a executive coach, college professor, administrator and consultant/liaison in the human resources arena of the corporate and public sectors. She is a licensed California psychotherapist and hypnotherapist.
Many people have acted as mentors and guides along the way. She spent the most time with Native American teachers while still working in a career and developing seminars and programs that reflected the philosophy she gained on her journey -bridging the two worlds. The most important message gained from these experiences is that human evolvement is a choice. Our intention to change and grow is paramount to success and happiness. Integration and balance is the pathway to empowerment. Integration provides a gateway which allows access to the priceless gifts of self-knowledge, intelligence and creativity.
Our world is in a state of unprecedented change and transformation. Old worn out concepts of leadership and life skills are no longer valid for the times and challenging conditions that confront our lives. A major change is upon us. Many corporations, public sector and individuals know change is the only
way to meet this challenge. They are reaching out for education through coaching and training from experts that can accelerate the process of change. Her clients list includes individual, corporations, national and international industry leaders, CEO's and people from all walks of life One character trait that they share in common is their intention to continue the transformation process each day. They, also, believe that change is not an option but a mandate if they want to manifest their individual or corporate vision, goals and personal development. All of them agree, human resource is our most valuable asset.
She has co-authored Success Strategies: High Achiever's Guide to Success with Brian Tracy, Dr. Warren Bennis and Dr. Marjorie Blanchard; Success Is A State of Mind with Deepak Chopra, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Brown; and, Roadmap to Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard.
Presentations include topics in: psychology/human development, emotional intelligence, hypnosis, success strategies, stress reduction, conflict meditation and intuitive development for corporations, businesses,conference seminars and groups. All of presentation are experientially based, educational and filled with humor and laughter.
Perseverance is a living affirmation of our intention to succeed.. Dr Jo Anne bishop
Visualizations, affirmations, declared intentions and actions transforms
our brain chemicals moving us from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
extraordinary potential within us.. from Success Strategies - Jo Anne Bishop PhD
Will you be at the effect of fate or destiny?
Fate allows the outside influences to shape your
future - destiny directs internal personal power through
choice and intention to create the future you desire... taken from
Roadmap to Success -
Change brings fear.. that fear can be transformed into creative action! fueling the manifestation of personal power through consciousness intention.. from Success Strategies
EASY - ACRONYM to success: Envision Victory, Affirm the Outcome, Start the Process, You can create your own success... from Roadmap to Success
"Knowing others is knowledge... knowing yourself is wisdom " Lao Tsu
"When the student is ready, they teacher will appear" Seneca - lst century
"You don't always get what you want...but always get what you need."
Rolling Stones
"The three "R" are vital to succeed with your goals...
Re-evaluate, Re-consider, Re-commit. " Brian Tracy
Jo Anne C. Bishop, PhD, MPA
Certified Professional Coach
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Crossing Bridges Coaching
Seal Beach, Ca 90740
Southern CA: (562) 760-3009
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