Thank you for stopping by and visiting my Experts Page. I know you'll find it a great resource, and a place to return to again and again. Chances are WE are just alike... we are both looking for answers. Answers to questions that have gone unanswered for too long. Answers of HOW TO live our lives and enjoy the journey. Correct? Or if not that, how can you benefit from helping others do the same. Well, I wish you blessings finding your path and hope that ours cross someday! Call (888) NLP-Coach or visit our site -
I am a nationally acclaimed speaker, seminar leader, and success coach who is been a guiding force in empowering individuals, businesses, and corporations to excel and achieve peak performance. I’m also a foremost authority on success principles, an expert in the field of communication, a behavioral specialist, an NLP master trainer, and a clinical hypnotherapist. I’ve had the privilege of working with and training under Christopher Howard (as one of his head trainers), Robert Dilts at NLP University, Richard Bandler and Associates, The Tad James Company, the Anthony Robbins Companies, the Gary De Rodriguez seminars, and many others who have honed my professional skills to teach and guide YOU to become the very best you’ll be!
Perhaps like you, I’ve struggled and faced frustration throughout my life, trying to get ahead and make ends meet. I’ve done all the affirmations and self-development programs that were supposed to be life changing. The only thing that was life changing was the time that I was spending learning what to do but never how to do it! I finally had had enough—I went on a mission to discover how truly successful people were manifesting their abundance. I knew that there had to be some secret set of techniques or rules by which they lived their lives. It seemed so easy for them to produce the results they desired, consistently and at will.
When I heard about NLP, I listened! I attended my first NLP program though The Learning Annex, and the rest is history. Amazingly enough, I now teach the same class that I attended years ago. I believe that miracles are happening all around us, and yet each one of us, regardless of our upbringing, faces challenges on a daily basis. And it can be those very same challenges that can give us the opportunity to see all the possibilities that life has to offer. What we focus on will determine how we grow and live our lives, and how we view our world will shape our future. As a child, I was taught what I believed was a great theory: “Get an education, work hard, and all your dreams will come true.” The problem was that I never knew what my dreams were—perhaps you have felt the same.
Have you ever done something because you thought you were supposed to—even though you knew you didn't want to do it? That’s why I went to college. That’s also why I dropped out. I went to work at age 19 to earn a living, and though it wasn’t much of a living, it was what I thought I was supposed to do. But after many years of just earning a living, I decided to start creating a life!
I began a quest to discover what it takes to become truly successful and to find a passion in my life. Ten years and many possibilities later, I knew that what I love most is teaching and entertaining. But what could I possibly do where people would listen to what I had to say? Well, at age 15, I was performing as a professional magician. Then I went on to become a personal trainer and fitness consultant, managing numerous clubs in the health and fitness Industry. I became a volunteer “Big Brother” and now volunteer my time as a spokesperson for the Make-A-Wish foundation. I graduated from college with honors. I received an award for excellence in communication from Toastmasters International, I'm a certified NLP Master Trainer, and I was named one of the top clinical hypnotherapist graduates from the Hypnosis Motivational Institute. I am continually studying, learning, and improving my expertise in the area of behavioral psychology.
I wrote my first book; "Asking The Right Question..." which explores how to ask the RIGHT questions of ourselves to produce outstanding results, and I am finishing another on fundamental success principles, entitled "RoadMap To Success." My purpose is to help people just like you and I realize that we are not stuck with our parents antiquated “software.” That with a new-found personal power, we can take control and reshape our old programming to produce outstanding results. Empowering results! And Now, just wrote "Discovering NLP" on
Within my search for success were the seeds of greatness. I have learned the foundations of the skill that all high-achieving individuals must master in order to become extremely successful: communication! Communication with themselves and with others around them. Communication is the single most important ability that we have to assist us in achieving all of our dreams. We all have awesome innate abilities, and we all have free will. We all have excellence within us. I frequently remind people of the statement made by Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich, published in 1937: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!” Call us today and be curious about how you can benefit; (888) NLP-Coach or visit our site -
"'Life is precious and too short! Though how many of you truly live how you want to live, and act how you want to be remembered? Remind yourself each day that YOU make a difference!"
“Energy focused can create immense transformations”
“It is in the moments of choice, that continually shape our lives, learn to choose wisely!”
“How much does your FEAR cost you?”
“We live up to the expectations we choose to buy into!"
“Life is to live not merely to survive”
“Life is a series of lessons; some manageable, some entertaining, some disastrous, each one simple and each one difficult, but yet all within our control. Once learned and mastered, the whole process starts over again, repeating until we learn the most important one... YOU ARE LOVED, YOU MATTER!"
Momentum is one of the most challenging things to achieve in life. It likens to the same amount of power it takes to break free from the pull of gravity on earth. As in the same power it takes to break free of your self-imposed limitations. Though once you have begun you will continually build inertia and begin to fly beyond your wildest expectations. So the only question then becomes... are you willing to invest in yourself and make that commitment to achieve what you've been imagining your life to be for all these years? If your answer is a resounding YES! Then take the next step and lets discover together the strategies for your success! I look forward in being your guide!
John James Santangelo PhD
Speaker * Coach * Trainer
Office/Fax (818) 879-2000