Karen Mileson is a "Sick House" survivor, turned health researcher, whose discoveries took her from being in a wheel chair to now being a part-time ski bum and able to do anything she chooses, including learning to indoor sky dive in her mid-60s! Karen claims she is now healthier in her 60s than she was in her 40s and soon her 30s.
Ms. Mileson learned the hard way what it is like to be very sick. Her life-or-death search to uncover the mysterious cause of her illness and its connection to her husband's death from cancer led her to make many discoveries. Mileson's struggle to survive led to the startling discovery of the source of these unseen life-threatening forces lurking in her home and environment that many doctors believe can cause cancer, multiple sclerosis and other chronic diseases.
Ms. Mileson's jorney continued as she learned to heal her home from geopathic and electromagnetic stresses and other "Energy Toxicity" in the environment. The Energems she created to heal her home then allowed her body to heal naturally and made her life worth living again. Energems are powerful energetic protection solutions that transmute the harmful "energy toxicity" now everywhere in our environment and our bodies.
Karen also developed Enerdiscs - Energized Discs - that you can use to make your own cleansing, energizing and drainage essences - forever and easily.
Karen Mileson has taken her challenges and has turned them into learning and the creation of energetic solutions and products that can help anyone. In her 400+ page book Our Energetic Evolution in Healing: Free Yourself From the Unseen Forces That Can Make You Sick, Ms. Mileson goes into depth to teach you the health secrets you also can learn to take control of your health, heal your home and change your life - and all Energetically.
Ms. Mileson has created Energems to heal the electromagnetic and geopathic stress in homes. Using her Energems you can easily change your "Sick House" into your healthy "Home, Sweet Home" and neutralize the radiation and emfs in your Cell Phone, and the toxicity in your food and water. Her products work because her life depended upon it!
Are you as healthy as you would like to be or do you feel like something is missing or keeping you from leading the healthy and joyful life YOU KNOW is possible for you? Are Karen's discoveries The Solutions you have been looking for?
Karen currently resides in the mountains in Colorado and continues her cutting-edge research.
One of the many things that I have learned from my previous illness, healing research and journey is the importance of KNOWING that I desire and choose to be healthy and that I CAN be healthy. Next is finding the source of any problem and then learning how to resolve it.
My book: Our Energetic Evolution in Healing: Free Yourself From the Unseen Forces That Can Make You Sick is a great way to learn how to take responsibility for and charge of your own healing. Both the 400+ page hardcover and e-book are available at: www.energems.com.
You can also learn much more on my free video blog at: http://www.energems.com/blog.
Energetics International, Inc.
PO Box 17056
Snowmass Village, CO 81615
Phone: 866-815-0696
Website: www.energems.com
Email: Karen@energems.com