We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Men's Issues". If you have expertise in Men's Issues and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I once read an article about couples who’ve stayed married long term. When one couple was asked for “secrets” of their marriage success, the man replied, “we go ballroom dancing once a week. Whatever problems there are in the world or that we’re having with each other, for a couple of hours ... Views: 899
One of life’s biggest set ups for being lonely is living with the erroneous belief that your way is the only way. Some people seem to have taken a life course called, How To Be Absolutely Sure of Everything! It’s like their reality testing mechanism is stuck on “It so because I think it is so.” ... Views: 2251
The majority of men by age 50 suffer from heavy hair loss so called Androgenic Alopecia Areata or male pattern baldness. However, some men begin loosing hair in their early 25 years old. The reasons behind this problem can vary greatly. Hair loss can be caused by hormonal changes in men's ... Views: 2014
About 6.1 million people in the U.S are affected by infertility, according to American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Difficulty in conceiving is a great issue for couples, who remain unsuccessful at
getting pregnant after one year of unprotected intercourse. They are then are considered ... Views: 1008
So here we are in the twenty-first century. Sounds like a long time, doesn’t it? So much has happened. Certainly times and experiences have waxed and waned. So many families, children, laughter, terrified screams, unutterable joy, unimaginable savagery.
And we now know of at least sixty ... Views: 1578
We all have difficulty dealing with conflict in a relationship. The ultra-sensitive man's reactions to an abusive relationship aren't different, but they can be more intense. Inside, the ultra-sensitive man is screaming, "Don't you know what you're doing is killing me? Just stop it! If you ... Views: 4527
Truth: As you grow spiritually, first you become neutralized and then you bloom sexually.
When you first start to grow spiritually, you seek balance and wholeness. So one of your initial motivations is to balance your inner masculine and feminine. As a woman, you may strengthen you inner ... Views: 2901
In 1920 the book "Searchlights on Health, The Science of Eugenics: A Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood" was published.
It sold over one million copies.
The book, by B.G. Jeffries and J.L. Nichols offered advice, of a moralistic and medical nature, to both men and women, young and old, on ... Views: 9902
Men today have come to a place where evolution is necessary in order to resurrect the essential role that we play in our species. Men have learned over the years that only two extremes exist:
1) the animalistic, agressive male, or
2) the passive, indecisive, disempowered male
The emergence ... Views: 2757
I'm assuming that you grew up with the same stereotypes around you that I was subjected to. Real men don't cry. Real men are not soft or gentle. Real men don't show emotion or vulnerability. Stuff like that. I don't know where that Neanderthal, troglodyte type of thinking originated, but I ... Views: 8111
Until recently, men's hair care has only occupied a small part of the beauty industry. Now, with the growing acceptance of men all over the world, men's grooming has started to take off. Though for men, hair care products are limited to few at the local drugstore. Many people still think that ... Views: 1066
Women have numerous resources to help them navigate almost any crisis. Men usually rely solely on their mate or significant other to talk about important issues. When a crisis hits, it usually blindsides a man. He can't articulate his experience (much has been written about the different ... Views: 1219
The prostate is the gland in your body that makes your sperm all gooey and sticky (so only men possess this gland). It secretes a clear fluid that contributes to about a third of the seamen you produce when you ejaculate. It is located around the urethra and can be felt in medical exams. A ... Views: 1368
Although a decline in the desire to have sex among men is relatively rare, it still happens to a large number of men and can understandably cause distress both for the affected man and his partner. Fortunately, there exists in the market a wide variety of natural products such as dietary ... Views: 18865
I experienced my own mid-life crisis at 33 and for the next 15 years transitioned from entrepreneur to college student to helpmate and homemaker to entrepreneur to unemployed to employed to unemployed to commissioned sales to employed to unemployed to NOW. Quite a circuitous route!
Yes a plan ... Views: 1042
Male Menopause? NOT!
It's hard to adjust to a world seemingly spinning out of control. Getting ahead in the "old" economy is getting harder and harder. There are limited resources for men who want to challenge the status quo, who want to break out from the "shoulds" that rule them, who are ... Views: 988
Digital Single Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras are excellent cameras that produce clearer, sharper and more colourful images than most point and shoot digital cameras available. With prices falling rapidly, they are now more affordable then ever. With the price gap between an entry model digital SLR ... Views: 4646
Caregiving 101
A practical guide for clueless guys
What kind of caregivers do men make?
That was the question posed to eight breast cancer couples in a focus group at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. The women graded their husbands on their caregiving performance during the months of ... Views: 2354
The prostate is a walnut sized gland that sits just below the bladder in men and is an integral part of the male reproductive system. Made up of two lobes and enclosed by a layer of tissue, the prostate goes through two main periods of growth. The first occurs early in puberty, when the ... Views: 2012
Before we get into the Male Multiple Orgasm
Swish, let me first explain the Swish pattern:
The Swish Pattern is an NLP "mind exercise"
used to change how your brain/ body responds to something that you see, hear or
feel (the trigger). For instance, if you habitually responded ... Views: 14835