An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. - Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862, American Author/Critic/Naturalist
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. - Og Mandino, 1923-1996, American Motivational Author and Speaker
He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has. - Henry Ward Beecher, 1813-1887, American Preacher/Orator/Writer
Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. - Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826, 3rd President of the United States
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. - Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, Indian Political and Spiritual Leader
You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was. - Irish Proverb
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. - Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790, American Scientist/Publisher/Diplomat
I can enjoy society in a room; but out of doors, nature is company enough for me. - William Hazlitt, 1778-1830, English Writer and Literary Critic
Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. - Mother Teresa, 1910-1997, Albanian-born Humanitarian and Missionary
The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example. - Benjamin Disraeli, 1804-1881, British Statesman and Literary Figure
Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in. - Andrew Jackson, 1767-1845, 7th President of the United States
Words of comfort, skillfully administered, are the oldest therapy known to man. - Louis Nizer, 1902-1994, British-born American Lawyer
When ideas fail, words come in very handy. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832, German Poet/Dramatist/Novelist
Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air. They are where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. - Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862, American Author/Critic/Naturalist
Great minds have purposes, others have wishes. - Washington Irving, 1783-1859, American Author
Individual commitment to a group effort -- that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. - Vince Lombardi, 1913-1970, Hall of Fame American Football Coach
Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832, German Poet/Dramatist/Novelist
Time has no meaning in itself unless we choose to give it significance. - Leo Buscaglia, 1924-1998, American Author and Expert on Love and Human Relationships
It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time. - Winston Churchill, 1874-1965, English Politician and Author
There is nothing like a dream to create the future. - Victor Hugo, 1802-1885, French Poet/Dramatist/Novelist
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. - Malcolm S. Forbes, 1917-1990, American Publisher
Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can read. - Mark Twain, 1835-1910, American Writer and Humorist
Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more listening than talking. - Bernard M. Baruch, 1870-1965, American Financier and Statesman
Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. - John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963, 35th President of the United States
Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. - Helen Keller, 1880-1968, American Blind/Deaf Author and Lecturer
A day without laughter is a day wasted. - Charlie Chaplin, 1889-1977, English-born Comedic Actor and Director
Two things are bad for the heart -- running up stairs and running down people. - Bernard M. Baruch, 1870-1965, American Financier and Statesman
I never did anything by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work. - Thomas Edison, 1847-1931, American Inventor and Entrepreneur
It doesn't matter if you try and try and try again, and fail. It does matter if you try and fail, and fail to try again. - Charles F. Kettering, 1876-1958, American Engineer and Inventor
I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time. - Anna Freud, 1895-1982, Austrian-born Psychoanalyst
Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to do good; try to use ordinary situations. - Jean Paul Richter, 1763-1825, German Novelist
Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. - Mother Teresa, 1910-1997, Albanian-born Humanitarian and Missionary
Being an optimist after you've got everything you want doesn't count. - Kin Hubbard, 1868-1930, American Journalist/Humorist/Cartoonist
You can't pick cherries with your back to the tree. - J. P. Morgan, 1837-1913, American Financier/Philanthropist/Art Collector
In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. - Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642, Italian Physicist and Astronomer
The better part of one's life consists of his friendships. - Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865, 16th President of the United States
The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. - Socrates, 470-399 B.C., Greek Philosopher
Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young. - Fred Astaire, 1899-1987, American Dancer/Singer/Actor
You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction. - George Horace Lorimer, 1867-1937, American Editor and Writer
All the knowledge I possess everyone else can acquire, but my heart is all my own. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832, German Poet/Dramatist/Novelist
The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen. – Lee Iacocca, American Industrialist and Automobile Executive
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. – Mother Teresa, 1910-1997, Albanian-born Humanitarian and Missionary
A weed is but an unloved flower. – Ella Wheeler Wilcox, 1850-1919, American Poet and Journalist
We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible. – Vince Lombardi, 1913-1970, Hall of Fame American Football Coach
What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence. – Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784, English Author and Critic
Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832, German Poet/Dramatist/Novelist
It's amazing what ordinary people can do if they set out without preconceived notions. - Charles F. Kettering, 1876-1958, American Engineer and Inventor
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. - Helen Keller, 1880-1968, American Blind/Deaf Author and Lecturer
Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love. – Nelson Rockefeller, 1908-1979, American Politician/Philanthropist/Businessman
The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own. – Benjamin Disraeli, 1804-1881, British Statesman and Literary Figure
Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability. – John Wooden, American Basketball Player and Coach
The only thing we know about the future is that it will be different. – Peter F. Drucker, 1909-2005, Austrian-born Management Consultant and Author
It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. – Benjamin E. Mays, 1895-1984, American Educator and Clergyman
There is no victory at bargain basement prices. – Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1890-1969, 34th President of the United States
When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain. – Mark Twain, 1835-1910, American Writer and Humorist
One may sometimes tell a lie, but the grimace that accompanies it tells the truth. – Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900, German Philosopher
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Helen Keller, 1880-1968, American Blind/Deaf Author and Lecturer
The time is always right to do what is right. – Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968, American Civil Rights Leader
You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it requires people to make the dream a reality. – Walt Disney, 1901-1966, American Film Producer/Director/Animator
Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one. – Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884-1962, American Humanitarian and Former First Lady of the United States
Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud. – Hermann Hesse, 1877-1962, German Writer
Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness. – George Santayana, 1863-1952, Spanish-born American Philosopher
Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over. – F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1896-1940, American Author
Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind. – Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784, English Author and Critic
Praise out of season, or tactlessly bestowed, can freeze the heart as much as blame. – Pearl S. Buck, 1892-1973, American Writer
You've got to get to the stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing. – Arthur Ashe, 1943-1993, American Tennis Player