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American Speed Reading CorporationWe offer Speed Reading and Memory Power Seminars to Corporations, Government Agencies and Groups throughout the United States and the World. We are an approved seminar contractor with the US Federal Government. Telephone # 201.784.1114 Views: 97
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the 20 minute hour Triple your reading speed, double your memory
for students and executives; guaranteed for life.
We've been teaching speed reading since 1959. Views: 89
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Speedreading.comSpeed reading website. Information and tips on speed reading, average reading speeds, speed reading research and reading trends. You can try speed reading software for free and participate in the speed reading forum. Views: 80
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Speed Reading WorldIf your reading speed is less than 1,000 WPM, you are not adequately prepared for school, your job, or the information age. This powerful New Mental Technology has proven that it can very quickly adequately prepare you. Views: 68
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MindPerk Self-Improvement StoreThe web's largest selection of products to improve your life. Great discounts! Choose from motivation, goals, time management, self-esteem, speed reading, success, and more at www.mindperk.com. Views: 66
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The Corporate EducatorAbby Marks Beale is a corporate productivity expert who helps busy people manage their time, reading and email. Views: 57
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Advanced Reading Concepts Speedreading PlusAdvanced Reading Concepts Speed Reading Plus believes it takes live coaching to overcome a lifetime of slow reading habits. So if you need to read--learn to speed read through one of our public classes in Columbus, OH or in a class tailored for your group nationwide. Views: 56
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The Literacy CompanyThe Literacy Company teaches Fluent Reading Effective and Efficient Speed Reading, Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Training with The Readers Edge software program. Views: 46
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Howard Reading TipsThe World's Fastest Reader offers a free speed reading lesson that will increase your reading speed in just a few minutes from now. Views: 38
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Productivelearn.comGuaranteed results with this online Dynamic Reading, Memory, and Recall program. Comprehensive with full support; text and audio guides, pre and post test, exercises, drills, and more. The only program that focuses on comprehension. Free Demo. Live Courses also available. Views: 37
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Reading Speed Test You can test your speed of reading with 3 kind of texts. Then you can check how long it takes you to read a novel/book. You also can advise novels/books for the list. Views: 36
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