It is clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran (surah 15, verse 9) that the Creator of the Universe, Allah says that He is the One Who is the Sole Author of this form of revelation and He will protect it. 

There has not been even a slight alteration in this holy book ever since it was revealed to the Prophet ﷺ. The listening and recitation of the Holy Quran requires a great deal of etiquettes:

  • Be in a State of Utmost Cleanliness:

The Muslims are supposed to perform wudu or ablution before touching the Holy Quran. They should remain in the state of ablution throughout the reading or recitation!

  • Sit in a Clean Place and in a Respectable Manner:

The Quran is a sacred book hence immense respect must be given to it. Whether you listen to the Quran surah audio or recite it, make sure to sit in a clean and tidy area. Sitting in a respectable position is important to pay utmost respect to the holy texts.

  • Place the Holy Quran at a Raised Position:

When you are listening to the complete Quran audio then keep your device in a raised position, possibly away from the feet and legs. At the time of reading it, make sure to keep it on a pillow or other support.

  • Use Right Hand while Holding the Holy Book:

One must use their right hand while holding the Holy Book in order to fulfil the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ. 

  • Read TAUZ and TASMIA:

You must recite and listen to Quran only after reciting tauz (Audhu Billahi mina-Shaitan-nir-Rajeem) and tasmia (Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim).

  • Follow the Tajweed Rules:

The holy Quran must be recited using the correct pronunciation as a little mistake can change the meaning of the Arabic words. Listen to the Holy Quran audio online to improve your recitation.

  • Listen and Recite in a Slow Pace:

The Quranic words have certain rhythm which heals the soul and cures it from unrest. Reciting in the slow pace will help you absorb the true gist of its verses.

  • Fulfil the Rights of the Quran:

Whether you listen to the Holy Book Quran audio or recite it, make sure to perform prostration whenever they appear in the texts.

  • Listen and Read with Full Concentration:

You must pay full attention when you listen to Quran Online. Avoid talking while listening or recitation as you might come under satanic influence!

  • Glorify Allah after the Recitation:

End the recital process by saying ‘Sadaqa Allaahu aaleyul Azeem’. Its translation: The Highest, the Mighty Allah spoke the truth.

So make sure to follow these etiquettes whether listening or reading the Quran. It is quite certain that listening to the audio Quran will significantly improve your comprehension and recitation power. However, make sure to approach the learned and authentic Islamic scholars as their audios will have a powerful affect on your Arabic as a whole! 

Author's Bio: 

The author knows renowned scholars whose recitation will improve your Quran reading ability. Contact the author and listen the complete holy Quran audio online for free!