This is the easy-to-read, right-to-the-point,21 Day Fast Mass Building blueprint to succeed with all components of the program – the training, supplements, recovery, individualization, modifications and lifestyle!

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No stone is left unturned and no background in advanced exercise degrees are required to understand and implement the program. Get the facts, get the plans and then get to work! We’re all about simplicity.

The best part is you don’t have to wait for this manual to arrive in the mail, or drive to a store to get it. You can download it to your computer right now and start making the fastest and easiest muscle gains of your life starting today.

This is the complete 21-day nutrition system broken down into full and explicit detail.

We’ll tell you exactly what foods to eat, how much and how often. Plus, we’ll reveal how to customize the 21-day cycle to your own body type and starting point.

Whether your body fat is 5%… 10%… 15% or higher, we’ll share the best calorie cycle to maximize muscle growth while keeping your abs!

We included the Bodyweight 500 workout to include during during the 1-week Primer Phase to capitalize on the maximal fat loss experience. Keep reading…

This 500 repetition workout is performed using only the most effective and caloric-demanding exercises. No weights needed. It’s no walk in the park, extremely stimulating and will set you up to experience The Anabolic Amplifier Effect on full-throttle. A big benefit is that you can use this anywhere.

Male fitness models are built like Hollywood sex symbols, and if you’re after that look; then look no further.

Women are attracted to men with above-average builds with mind-blowing muscle definition. If you’re not into the “huge” and “massive” bodybuilder look but want to be that “shredded guy” in your gym, this workout is for you because this program is all about delivering the fitness model look to get you on stage, in the magazines, or just have women drool all over you!

Get ready to see me go head-to-head with two of the leanest and most ripped guys on the planet – my training partners.

The entertainment value and inspiration of this DVD alone is worth the investment of the entire package!

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