Obviously, when car accidents occur, the injuries can be catastrophic due to the weight of the vehicles involved, and the speed of the vehicles involved. Even a car accident at speeds below 20 MPH can cause serious injuries, or even result in death. While no two San Antonio car accidents are exactly the same, as an auto accident attorney in San Antonio, I’ve noticed that there are some injuries that are the most common following a car accident.

Neck & Shoulder Injuries – Including “Whiplash”

Because San Antonio car wrecks generally involve a significant impact, neck injuries are very common. A collision, even at low speed, can cause your head and neck to suddenly be whipped backwards or forward, and can cause significant soft tissue damage, and even herniated discs. Additionally, it’s very common that neck and shoulder injuries are not noticed until the day following a car accident. While many people can fully recover from minor neck injuries, many car accident victims continue to have chronic neck issues long after the accident. For this reason, it’s important to consult with an experienced San Antonio injury lawyer to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve.

More Info: https://bit.ly/2FFpHkm

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