On average 50% of visitors will leave your website within 3 seconds if you do not show them strong reason to stay.
Think about it. You can invest a huge amount of money in SEO, PPC, Advertising and 50% of money will vanish into thin air. 50% is a mean value. Sometimes it could be 60% or even 80%...

Think about how we use the web today.

All of us Surf The Web. It means that visitors are jumping from one site to another until something will grab their attention.

But even if their eyes catch something interesting and important... 50% of visitors will still leave the website in 3 seconds if it does not contain info they are looking for.
Every website owner faces this challenge. Your business' success strongly depends on actions you perform to retain your visitors.

How to Capture Your Visitors & Make Them Stay
at Your Website As Long As Possible

1) Create The Strongest Headline You Can

Can the usual phrase "welcome to our website" or "we have been doing this business since..." actually stop your visitors from surfing the web?
- Has your website a headline? Is it attractive, interesting and promising?
- Is there a strong reason in your headline that will force your visitors to read the text below?
- Does the visitor understand from your headline that he will lose a lot if he leaves your website?
- Does he know from your headline that your website has something incredibly important for him?
Just using the good headline can change a lot and save a big part of your SEO budget.

2) Enrich Your Website With the Highest Quality Content

Though it seems obviously, many site owners still use content written for search engines but not for human beings. This is common and serious mistake.
Nowadays, search engines concentrate more and more on how your visitors act after they reach your website. Even if your content is perfect for search engines, you will not benefit from it if there is no advantage for your visitor.

3) Walk in Your Visitor's Shoes

To understand your clients 'walk a mile in their shoes':
- What problem takes away their sleep?
- What are they afraid of?
- What problem irritates them?
- What is their only desire?
- Though all your clients might be very nice people, the fact is that people don't CARE about your business. They stay at your website only if you supply their needs.

Go to your website as if you were a first-time visitor. Be tough on yourself and ask yourself 'is there a reason why I should stay here for more than 3 seconds?'

Author's Bio: 

SEO Consultant, SEO Expert, Links From PR9 Sites at Forum Link Building

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