The Heavy Rigid Vehicle licensing test is a difficult one, and it has taken more and more drivers entirely off guard in recent years. However, if you take care to remember the things noted here, you would be more confident on the day of your driving test. Here are some timely tips presented before you by veteran driving instructors and examiners which would be able to provide you with a better headspace when going for the test. You would be able to anticipate a lot of things, operate freely and make sure that you make a good impression on the driving examiner. Without much ado, here are the tips: 

#1: Your trainer will suddenly seem apathetic

It is a well-known fact that most trainers are also assessors. Moreover, they often play the two roles to the same set of trainees – they will both train you and take the test. However, during the time of the check, your instructor will act in a peculiar way, and according to the manual, there are certain things that the instructor can or cannot do during the test because you will be driving under strict test conditions. Don’t think of the peculiar acting as otherwise – do not believe that your trainer is mad at you, doesn’t like you or ‘has got it in for you’. While training conditions are often jolly and interactive, test conditions are usually very different. If you get it in your head before appearing for the test, the demeanour of the trainer will not put you off. 

#2: There is a camera recording your every activity

In the venue of the driving test, there is usually a camera pointing straight at you! It has been recording all your moves as well as that of the driving examiner. As per VicRoads guidelines, all assessment of heavy rigid licence in Sydney or elsewhere in Australia must be recorded. However, the camera is mostly for the driving test agency and not for the client, so you can be relieved. The camera helps to document that a particular client was tested at a specific time of a given day, as shown in the papers. It helps to keep the industry clean from fraudulent practices of issuing licence without conducting any test and make sure that the providers are accountable for each permit that comes out of the agency.

#3: Your trial is going to be challenging

According to popular belief, the drivers are only taken on an aimless drive along the highway. Sorry to burst your bubble, this is not the case at all. All test run routes have to be meticulously designed and approved by VicRoads before they can be used for test drives. There is a checklist of skills that they must adhere to. Therefore, do not make yourself believe that you will get to hit the top gear and cruise along a straight stretch of road! The driving test will be challenging and comprehensive of everything that you were taught during the training period. Moreover, as all test runs have to be at least forty-five minutes in length according to the guidelines, be prepared for an extensive amount of hurdles as well as an extended duration of concentration.

There are many agencies conducting tests and issuing HR licence in Sydney and nearby suburbs. You are asked to consult to a highly rated agency that will be able to make you confident and alert on the wheels! On the day of the test, keep your calm, stay hydrated and have an ample amount of patience to emerge as victorious. 

Author's Bio: 

The owner of a driving institute that issues a heavy rigid licence in Sydney, the author is a driving instructor having many years of expertise and many successful issuing of HR licence in Sydney and nearby areas. Besides running a successful driving institute, the author also indulges in writing blogs for the web.