With all the chaos surrounding us in the world, in our country, in our communities and at times in our homes, it seems almost impossible to find our way spiritually. Yet this can be our most opportune time to say stop to the chaos and say yes to inner peace.

Finding inner peace does not need to be an overwhelming process or journey. It is about finding the time to breathe, relax and slow down enough to listen within, even if you only have five minutes. That five minutes could possibly change your whole day, it can be that miracle to having more peace and calm in your mind and heart. With more peace, you can share more unconditional love to all around you.

Inner peace is a key component to spiritual growth and spiritual healing. So how do we get there? I have found three tools that have pushed me beyond any idea I may have had towards achieving more peace in my life.

#1 Learn to Meditate
Meditation clears your mind of the incessant ego chatter and allows peace to enter. If you are a beginner, look for guided meditations to help you get started since they will help you focus. There are numerous meditation CD’s which can assist and support you. I suggest meditation CD’s where the music is even in tone, no ups and downs so that you do not get distracted. Relaxation is the major component in achieving a deep meditation and attaining inner peace. I have found a very helpful tool, which, helps you intensify focus and relaxation during meditation, they are called Egyptian Healing Rods, look for the Kont Rods.

#2 Find Spiritual Classes
Look for experiential classes the will help you expand your spiritual awakening at your own pace. Whether you prefer individual classes or a group setting either way healing will take place as you look at life in a new and joyous way. Surrounded by unconditional love and support it will be comfortable to go within and find inner peace. Spiritual growth and healing will naturally come as peace fills your mind and heart. I have experienced tremendous growth by taking experiential classes and implementing the learning’s into my daily life so much more so than reading on my own.

#3 Work with a Spiritual Counselor
I highly support one-on-one work where you as the participant are doing the work and not the facilitator and that is why I recommend Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling. We all have our own inner wisdom which when accessed will provide all the spiritual guidance, growth and healing we all desire. This is a very powerful process as your issues or problems are seen for what they truly are – no-thing – and you are seen for who you truly are pure love. Peace surrounds you as you can see your life anew.

Take the time for you, find peace within and choose to see things in a new light and your day will change. Your spiritual growth will expand each time you heal a limited view of your self. Feel how empowering it is to take that first step with a class or counselor. As you get a foothold combine two or three of these tools. You will love finding the real you.

Author's Bio: 

Nancy Miiller is an Ordained Minister with Pathways of Light of Kiel, Wisconsin. All POL Spiritual College courses are based upon the teachings of A Course in Miracles. Nancy is certified as an Accessing Inner Wisdom Counselor and is certified to facilitate Pathways of Light Courses and workshops. She is also a student of A Course in Miracles.

Nancy is co-founder of Reconnect from Within®, a gateway of spiritual pathways of awakening to Higher Self. She is also a published article writer, a flower essence practitioner, as well as a trained Egyptian Healing Rod healer and distributor. Nancy is also trained in QuantumPathic energy healing and Reconnective healing and the Reconnection.

Currently, Nancy is working on completing the following programs with Pathways of Light, Certified Miracles Practitioner and Relationship Enhancement Counselor.