Even web development experts are prone to making CSS mistakes from time to time; when distractions and fatigue are rampant throughout the workplace, they are actually more of inevitability. The following list comprises 4 of the more common mistakes that developers are known to make; by familiarizing yourself with these mistakes, you are putting yourself at a better advantage of avoiding them as much as possible.

ID vs. Class

When it comes to declaring the style of the HTML elements of our websites, CSS has given the web development industry two possible attributes. An ID refers to something that will only appear once in the page, whilst a Class refers to something that may be used multiple times in the page. Developers are known to get these two attributes mixed up on occasion, resulting in all sorts of chaos.

Color Declarations

In CSS, there are three rules that developers must follow when it comes to declaring colors, including :< /p>

  • Hexadecimal Code, which ensures that the color you have specified will look the same on all browsers.
  • Hash Mark, which should precede the hexadecimal code to ensure that it is valid
  • Redundancy, which involves condensing some color declarations to encourage them to load faster.

Needless Repetition

A major part of any web development project is trying to find ways to speed up load times; one of the best ways to achieve this is by reducing the size of your style sheet by avoiding repetition in your style declarations. Unfortunately, developers tend to neglect these sorts of edits, which leaves their style sheets full of repetition and causes them to load extremely slow.

Excess White space

Whilst most web development teams will include white space in their CSS code to make it more readable, it is important to keep in mind that this can actually increase your file size. You can get rid of much of the white space without sacrificing the readability of your code; just consider getting rid of the line breaks and excess spaces, for example.

The above list only forms some of the common web development mistakes that are made in terms of CSS; there are plenty more out there, and if you want to avoid making them in the course of your own work, it is important that you are familiar with what they are. Not only will this ensure that your projects are as perfectly coded as possible, it will ensure consistency amongst your developers.

Author's Bio: 

This is a useful articles shared by John K. Taylor behalf of Zeemo web development company in Melbourne. This company is offering the A to Z of online solutions service some of them like web design Melbourne, web development, graphic design, online marketing, and seo company Melbourne to their client.