The most popular search engine removed more than 1.75 billion sites from its index and the number is growing. It is a huge purge, happening after a 53% increase in the copyright requests. Another major change is the AdWords Quality score improvement, which is deadly to keywords with insufficient data, new keywords, or keywords with sparse recent history – all of them now getting a zero number. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. 411Locals will summarize all important factors since the latest changes rolled out.
411 Locals reminds, that you need to know the following in order to survive in the SEO environment for the end of the month:

Copyright request might get your website hit

With virtually absent pending requests at the moment, it appears that the copyright section of Google is quick at responding requests. The search engine is not the active part in the lookout for copyright infringements – the owners send the copyright takedown requests. The guilty URL will be taken down from the search results after a notification, so beware of such messages when checking Search Console.

New Q6 estimates for new keywords

Last year, Google determined QS of 6 for all keywords. Whether those new keywords earned that based on their history or the data was too little and thus defaulted, it remained unclear. Now keywords with insufficient data, new keywords, or keywords with sparse recent history get a zero score. Nevertheless, the 1-10 QS number you see in the account is merely an indication from Google about the average QS. They continue to use a real-time QS, calculated for every single ad auction.

Accelerated Mobile Pages To Receive Increased Exposure In Mobile Results

This is an important change for e-commerce sites and websites focused on entertainment, travel, cooking, and so forth. The process will bring these sites in the regular set of organic search listings.The reason for this change is the time it takes for the content of such pages to load on a mobile browser. Within the next few months, the AMP update will go live for all searchers.

Google Says: Widget Links Violate Our Guidelines

Google has a long history of battling unnatural, low-quality and keyword-rich widget links. We, from
411 Locals know very well how to it works. When you have any queries or questions, 411 Locals FAQ will help you. But what is the definition of “unnatural link”? Under this term, fall links built into a widget and automatically placed on a site unbeknownst to the site owner. Oftentimes, they have keyword rich anchor text and, on top of that, site owners have no control over it. Following the copyright-based ban pattern, Google will do the honorable thing and notify you through Search Console. You can also receive warnings if links to your site are automatically included in widgets placed on other sites. The following solution work here: submitting a reconsideration request, adding no follow attributes, or removing the link altogether.

One Email For Multiple AdWords Accounts

Managing multiple Google AdWords accounts can make your life miserable, mainly because of the constant log in/log out. Things changed with Google adding one email address to log in multiple accounts (up to five can now be connected). You can do it through the ‘Manage AdWords accounts’ screen in the main menu. With this liberation, you can get it all done in one place.

Author's Bio: 

Nikolay Peshev is working in the field of Online reputation management and content writing. He is part of the 411 Locals team - a Company, that is an Official Google partner with BBB A+ rating. Loves to manage social networks such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
411 Locals Crunchbase Deeply interested in coaching and human resources. Loves to paddle in open waters.