Promoting your business around holidays is just another great way to boost your sales. The most recognized holidays are Christmas, New Year, Easter, 4th of July, Black Friday as well. However, all celebrations are a good occasion to show what you do and get a sale or two by the end of the day. Here are 5 ways to have a business impact with funny jokes:

1. Send a funny e-card
Pick up a great e-card with some funny picture or video, and send it to your contacts with a funny joke to brighten their day. No promotion, offering or anything in the e-card. Just add your contact details in the end. Be sure that your e-card receiver will check them out.

2. Update your facebook status
No need to think of the most appropriate joke for your status. You can easily write something funny like: Gone with the Wins , and then add underneath that you wrote it with your toes because your nail polish wasn’t dry enough to type. The aim is to get lots of interaction and lots of comments. You can even write: Blow-out sale Today only. And then in the end of the day: Ok, it was April Fools Day today but since we got so many orders, we’ll just honor the discount on them all.

3. Send a text message with a joke to your clients
See, our clients are so used to having us be serious, professional, that it’s going to be a HUGE surprise for them to wake up in the morning and read a text message with a joke that will brighten their day from the start. But the thing is – we over-see the value in brightening someone’s day and this is an intangible, yet very important part of the client experience with us.

4. Start April Fool’s day contest on twitter
Very nice way to promote your services is to start a twitter contest for a day. Let’s say – funny quotes or pranks they did. Just create a hash tag for the event and ask the participants to include it in their posts. From the hash tag – everyone can get to you as an owner. And from the mentions of the hash tag – whole lot of people are exposed to your contest.

5. Make a few phone calls
All right, by now your day should have started very good. Hearty laughs and shared joy with others. Now, comes time for pranks. Call a couple of people (after the 10th phone call starts to get really funny) from your contact list. And let them know what you won’t be available for phones are email today because you are on a vacation to the Bahamas but if they want to you you can send them a post card from there. Or something else that comes to mind.

Author's Bio: 

Worldwide Leader in Launching Online and Offline Passion Driven Businesses Using Good Karma Mindset

As her clients call her: The Success Magnifier Business Strategist, Tsvetanka Petrova-Sue has a black belt in discovering talents and passions and turning them into lucrative businesses which align the wish to live life on your terms with the desire to have more than enough.
Tsvetanka brings in end to end strategies for finding the right words to express your talent and then spicing those words into attracting money campaigns. Her background in Economics and Psychology brings in the right mixture of strength and perseverance when it comes to overcoming difficulties in business and in life, including self-sabotage, negativity and perfectionism.
After years of getting insane returns on the few bugs invested in small business ventures and masterfully picking up on what a person really needs to hear in order to Step UP she surrendered to her calling to move men and women who choose to express their essence with a business and choose to become financially free, escaping from the rat-race game and going into the fast track.