Modular kitchens can liven up the spirit of any modern kitchen instantly and would add character to space. However, it must be noted to make the most of the stunning design and to preserve the aesthetic value of a kitchen, it is vital to maintain the modular kitchens frequently. Consequently, one must keep a few maintenance tips in handy and use them accordingly to ensure proper care and durability of such layout.

Top tips for cleaning and maintaining modular kitchens

Here are some effective tips from modular kitchen manufacturers–

Tip 1 – Frequent dusting and cleaning

The best way to maintain the new shine for the longest is through regular dusting and cleaning. To elaborate, when someone cleans their kitchen, the surface of cabinets, countertop, cupboard, etc. regularly, it prevents the accumulation of dust and grime. One can further, use paper or gift wraps and lay them inside the cabinets and cupboard to prevent dust accumulation in difficult corners.  It will make cleaning the space more comfortable and less cumbersome.

Tip 2 - Opt for chemical-free cleaning

Often harsh chemical-based cleaners act rough on the smooth finishing of modular kitchen and destroy the surface’s shine. Instead of using chemical-based cleaning agents, one can use a homemade cleaner that is potent in getting rid of grimes and germs without being rough on the surface. For instance, a mixture of baking soda or half cup vinegar and 5 litres of water would leave a kitchen surface feeling clean and fresh.

Tip 3 – Use proper cloth or wipes

Modular kitchen manufacturers share that to ensure the durability of any modular kitchen, individuals should never use a sharp object or a rough cloth to clean its surface. Such activity does not just rob the counter of its shine but also leaves behind unwarranted scratches. Instead, they should use a soft cloth to clean and wipe its surfaces and all the parts of their modular kitchen.

Tip 4 - Pay close attention to walls and tiles

One should also make it a point to clean walls and tiles of their kitchen frequently. Such an effort would render a clean and fresh look to their entire kitchen.  It is recommended to use mild cleaner or disinfectant to clean the tiles to prevent any kind of erosion or damage. Further, frequent cleaning would eliminate the risk of permanent staining and would keep any kitchen sparklingly fresh.

Tip 5 – Practice pest control frequently

Individuals must prevent pests from turning their kitchen counter into their playground. They should indulge in anti-termite treatment and get rid of all cockroaches and termites to prevent infestation. It would not just eliminate the fear of health hazards but would prevent the pests from damaging any part of the modular kitchen.

Bonus: Use a nylon scrubbing pad to clean the sink without any scratching. One must refrain from using any chlorine-based cleaning agent and should clean the sink every day for a spotless appearance.

Hence, one should keep these maintenance tips in mind after buying a stunning modular kitchen manufacturers in Mumbai. By using such tips, the kitchen would retain its new shine for a long time.

Author's Bio: 

PROMKRAFT, a company manufacturing modular kitchens for every kind of home. Blending the tradition of Indianans with modern technology and making scientifically designed kitchen concepts to minimize effort and time, studded with sterling accessories. We believe in raising the bar to global kitchen standards.